Monday, June 27, 2011

Why organized Jewry belongs in Islamic civilization and not Western: Zionists and Muslim nationalists are like-minded and religiously compatible

Islam and Judiasm

Influences Contrasts and Parallels
( -- by David Steinberg --

1. Israelite-Jewish Relations with the Arabs

2. Judaism and Islam – Influences and parallels

3. Theological Idiom – Toward the Future

1. Israelite-Jewish Relations with the Arabs

From the earliest times, Israelite relations with the Arabs have been extensive but mainly limited to commerce and not generally acrimonious. Typical is the first recorded interaction when Ishmaelites traders purchased Joseph from his brothers (Gen. 37:25-28). These Ishmaelites were playing an unwitting part in God’s grand design to send the Israelites to Egypt. Of course, from their point of view they were just making a quick buck slave trading.

Nehemiah, the 5th century BCE rebuilder of Jerusalem was opposed by Geshem the Arab[1] who probably controlled the southern Negev. By the fourth century BCE, the Nabatean Arabs had established a strong state south and east of Judea in former Edomite territory.

Most of the boundaries of the Maccabean state were with the Iturean and Nabatean Arab kingdoms. Points of Physical contiguity:

a) The Nabatean Arab kingdom formed the southern and eastern borders of Perea (i.e. Jewish areas east of the Jordan formerly called Gilead)[2]. After the Judean conquest and conversion of Idumea the Nabatean kingdom also formed the southern boundary of Judea. Both wars, and peaceful contact, between the Maccabees, and their successors, were frequent; and,

b) The Iturean Arab kingdom, based on the Beqa’ Valley (south-east Lebanon) and Mt. Hermon, had taken over Upper Galilee. Aristobulus conquered Upper Galilee (104-103 BCE)[3] and force converted the Itureans there.

It is possible that Jewish trading colonies existed in Sheba (Yemen) and the Hejaz (western Saudi Arabia) as early as the time of king Solomon. In the period before Muhammad a famous Jewish king ruled in Yemen before being conquered by the Christians.

2. Judaism and Islam – Influences and parallels

In the Hejaz, Muhammad’s homeland, there were Jewish tribes with which he was intimately involved as he was, to a lesser extent, with Christian Arabs. Muhammad learned much from the Jews and using Judaism as a base, developed his new faith Islam. There was no Arabic translation of the Hebrew Bible at the time, but Arabian Jews were deeply immersed in the mainstream of the Jewish midrashic tradition. Thus, in the Koran, many of the stories of the Hebrew Bible are retold in the form known from midrashim which diverges widely from the simple meaning of the biblical text (see Geiger). Many Jewish teachings, sayings, normative and ethical precepts are also found in the sacred oral tradition of Islam[4].

As Islam developed it became, by far, the major religion closest to Judaism[5]. The most obvious common feature is the statement of the absolute unity of God which Muslims repeat five times each day, and Jews at least twice. Judaism and Islam are unique in having systems of religious law based on oral tradition which can over-ride the written laws and which does not distinguish between holy and secular spheres. In each, similar logical systems are used for deriving religious law[6], and in both cases a similar responsa literature developed in Iraq during the same period. Both Judaism and Islam consider the study the study of religious law to be a form of worship and an end in itself, and both picture God as studying in heaven. According to the Encyclopedia Judaica

The fundamental similarity of Judaism and Islam, both based on religious laws in principles, methods, and legislation, caused parallel developments in later centuries.

Probably the only major Islamic belief that Judaism would find unpalatable would be the recognition of Muhammad as the last and greatest of the prophets...MORE...LINK

As Islam developed it became, by far, the major religion closest to Judaism[5]. The most obvious common feature is the statement of the absolute unity of God which Muslims repeat five times each day, and Jews at least twice. Judaism and Islam are unique in having systems of religious law based on oral tradition which can over-ride the written laws and which does not distinguish between holy and secular spheres.

Chris Moore comments:

Jewry has always conflated politics and religion, and indeed may be collectively unable to distinguish between the two. Even the "secular" Jewish Bolsheviks organized into Jewish networks, sometimes open, sometimes subterranean, similarly to how the vast majority of even "anti-Zionist" Jews organize into Jewish groups, ie Jews Against Zionism, International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network, Neturei Karta, Jews Not Zionists, Jews for Justice for Palestinians, Independent Jewish Voices...etc...etc.

Is it a coincident that so many members of the Federal Reserve or so many members of the U.S. Supreme Court or so many members of the Democratic Party at the national level or so many widely acknowledged neocons are Jewish? Absolutely not, because these Jewish syndicates conflate their religion with their political activity, and network one another to the top of whatever institution they are able to penetrate by leveraging what start out as small cells into dominant positions of "leadership" and control.

While this wouldn't be tolerated of Islamists (at least not yet) it has been tolerated by organized Jewry because anyone who objects is derided as an anti-Semite and/or a neo Nazi, and/or has the Holocaust (TM) thrown in their face.

This is what makes tolerance for Zionism, and Zionism's "Gentile" collaborators and enablers (including crypto-Jews, Judeophile liberals, Judeo-Christian Zionists, multicultural ideologues) such a threat to not only the concept of separation of religion and state, but to Western civilization itself: they seek to overthrow it inch by inch, in fits and starts, from within, using organized Jewry and its Zionist and supremacist network as their spearhead.

Authentic (ecumenical) Christians, liberals, conservatives, secularists and even Muslims must gain an awareness of the unquestionable similarities and parallels between Zionist networks (and their collaborators) and Islamist networks in order to combat the totalitarian Zionist designs on Western civilization AND Islamic civilization

So long as greedy, ambitious and venal Judeofascists and the kind of low-cunning snakes (who reside on both the Left and Right) willing to collaborate with them believe they have a plausible shot at overthrowing one, the other, or both, they will continue their wars, aggression, and Globalist agenda. But once the Judeofascists are isolated and contained in Israel, the wind will come out of the sails of the others, as well. And that, consequently, will take the wind out of the sails of Islamist terrorist fanatics.

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