An Israeli government committee has advised that Israel must prepare for war with Turkey, suspected of intentions of restoring the Ottoman Empire which would encroach on Israel’s plans for Greater Israel. Such a war would present Washington with a dilemma. Turkey is a NATO member to whose aid Washington must go. But how can Washington go to war against Israel when Israel owns the US media, the financial sector, entertainment, ivy league and other universities, and Congress. No wonder Trump wants to get rid of NATO as it takes decisions out of his hands..
Perhaps Syria’s destruction will turn out to Russia’s benefit after all by allying Russia with Turkey in the conflict, which would mean a defeat for Washington and Israel.
The prospect for Arabs is dire. Their mutual antagonism–Sunni-Alawite-Shia–has left them powerless for centuries and under the rule of others. The destruction of Libya, Iraq, and Syria and the isolation of small Lebanon have left Saudi Arabia the only remaining Arab country, and the latest Israeli pronouncement has included a large portion of Saudi Arabia into Greater Israel.
Decades ago US policy was to support and constrain Israel while keeping good relations with the Arab/Muslim world. But with the advent of the incompetent, and in my opinion evil, George W. Bush regime, the Zionist neoconservatives who controlled the Bush government used 9/11 to align America against “Arab terrorists” and began the elimination of Arab states in Israel’s interest. The announced goal of the Zionist neoconservatives–7 countries in 5 years–took longer but has essentially been achieved. Only Lebanon and Saudi Arabia remain, and Syria’s demise has left Hezbollah isolated and a sitting duck for Israel.
Perhaps Israel and Turkey can come to terms on their division of the Arab world. As Iran is not Arab and as the Arab world no longer exists in the form of states, Israel is likely, as the government committee indicates, to shift its attention from Iran to Turkey.
Trump also is focused on empire. He says he wants to add Canada, Greenland, and Panama Canal to the United States. As he himself has empire expansion in mind, how does Washington oppose Greater Israel and the renewal of the Ottoman Empire?
If Trump supports Israel, and I think he has no choice, in Israel’s conflict with Turkey, NATO will lose Turkey to Russia. If the Russian/Iranian Pac due to be signed this month happens, Russia will have s southern buffer...MORE...
Watching the Banners of Empire Unfurl, by Paul Craig Roberts - The Unz Review