Thursday, July 25, 2024

Biden admin's Judeofascist "Disinformation Czar" ((Nina Jankowicz)) loses her defamation case against Fox News

Call it Censorship: A Court Rules Against Former “Disinformation Czar” Nina Jankowicz

Below is my column in the New York Post on the ruling against Nina Jankowicz in her defamation case. It turns out that calling opposing views defamation is no better than calling them disinformation.

Here is the column:

For free speech advocates, there are few images more chilling than that of Nina Jankowicz singing her now-infamous tune as “the Mary Poppins of Disinformation.”

The woman who would become known as the “Disinformation Czar” sang a cheerful TikTok parody of “Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious” to rally people to the cause of censorship.

When the press caught wind of President Biden’s plan to appoint Jankowicz as head of the Department of Homeland Security’s new “disinformation board,” Fox News said she “intended to censor Americans’ speech.”

The backlash was swift. Plans for the board were suspended, and Jankowicz resigned in 2022. She then sued Fox News for defamation.

On Monday, the case was dismissed. But Chief Judge Colm Connolly, a Delaware Democrat, didn’t just say it was legally unfounded — he demolished the claims of figures like Jankowicz that they are really not engaged in censorship... [cont] Call it Censorship: A Court Rules Against Former “Disinformation Czar” Nina Jankowicz – JONATHAN TURLEY

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Incompetence by design: ((Mayorakas')) Dept. of Homeland Security oversees the Secret Service that "protected" Trump and our border. Attorney General ((Merrick Garland)) to investigate assassination attempt? Right...

Was the State Police that Got the Assassin – not the Secret Service? Hm!!!

Let’s get something straight here. There is absolutely NOTHING that comes out of the mouth of Attorney General Merrick Garland that I would ever regard as truth. He said he “will bring every available resource to bear to this investigation.” Like they did on Hillary lying to the FBI and classified documents on her server that were higher than TOP SECRET. Garland claimed: “My heart is with the former President, those injured, and the family of the spectator killed in this horrific attack.” I do not believe he has a heart, and he has launched all the criminal cases against Trump because he, too, has links with family heritage, claiming the Russians persecuted his family. Garland added: “We will not tolerate violence of any kind, and violence like this is an attack on our democracy.” Hm.

I thought Trump even being on the ballot and running was an attack on our Democracy, according to the Democrats. Then, allowing illegal aliens to vote is not a threat to our Democracy? So, let me get this straight: They wanted to remove Trump’s Secret Service protection. Were they there in appearance only? I guess Smith will head that investigation as well. Congress should appoint an independent investigative team because I am not sure Garland has clean hands. The Secret Service is under the Department of Homeland Security that protects our border. Hm?...

Was The State Police That Got The Assassin - Not The Secret Service? Hm!!! | Armstrong Economics

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Judeofascists billionaires are teaming up for pro-Israel, anti-Palestinian media drive, recruiting fellow super-rich Chosenite oligarchs with claimed Hebrew background

Billionaires are teaming up for pro-Israel, anti-Hamas media drive: Report

The campaign is seeking million-dollar donations from dozens of the world’s biggest names in media, finance and tech, Semafor reported.

A billionaire real estate tycoon in the United States is rallying support for a high-dollar media crusade to boost Israel’s image and demonise the Hamas armed group amid global pro-Palestinian solidarity protests.

The media campaign — called Facts for Peace — is seeking million-dollar donations from dozens of the world’s biggest names in media, finance and technology, according to an email seen by news website Semafor.

More than 50 individuals are being courted, including former Google CEO Eric Schmidt, Dell CEO Michael Dell and financier Michael Milken. They have a combined net worth of around $500bn, Semafor said.

Some of the individuals, such as investor Bill Ackman, have publicly threatened to blacklist pro-Palestine students who are critical of Israel. On October 10, Ackman wrote on X, formerly Twitter, that he and other business executives wanted Ivy League universities to disclose the names of students who are part of organisations that signed open letters criticising Israeli policies in Gaza.

Saturday, June 01, 2024

Israel Firsters Go Ballistic As Kentucky Congressman Thomas Massie Calls For All Elected Officials To Disclose Their Citizenship Status

Kentucky Congressman Thomas Massie Calls For All Elected Officials To Disclose Their Citizenship Status

Kentucky Congressman Thomas Massie’s victory in the Republican primaries on May 21, 2024 dealt a significant blow against the Israel First lobby as the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) dropped over $400,000 in negative advertising to derail Massie’s campaign.

These efforts proved to be futile with Massie cruising to victory. Now, Massie is pushing the envelope by calling for elected officials who obtain and keep citizenship in foreign countries to disclose all of their citizenship details. In a post that he published on X, Massie declared, “If we are going to continue to allow U.S. Congressmen to acquire and retain citizenship in other countries, they should at least be required to disclose all countries of which they consider themselves to be citizens.”

Massie has long criticized politicians, especially those who have fanatically pro-Zionist views of having dual loyalty. Such sentiments reflect a growing discontent among younger right-wing electoral constituencies who have grown tired of the Zionist pandering the GOP establishment engages in...

Sunday, May 26, 2024

Judeofascist oligarchs are funding the American crackdown on campus protests against Israeli genocide

Follow the Money

...Why have overwhelmingly peaceful demonstrations against a foreign power’s actions been met with such a heavy-handed response? A MintPress News investigation finds that those same elite institutions have deep financial and ideological ties to the state of Israel, are funded by pro-Israel billionaires who have demanded they take action to crush the student movement, are partially funded by the Israeli government, and exist in a climate where Washington has made it clear that the protests should not be tolerated...

Sunday, May 12, 2024

With violent crackdowns on protestors of Zionist genocide, Israel-Firsters have tipped their hand, revealed their treacherous ZOG agenda to the American public

Israel/Gaza: The Masks Come Off in American Society

...I have never previously heard of organized mobs of outside thugs being allowed to violently assault peaceful American student protesters on their own campus, something that seems far more reminiscent of turbulent Latin American dictatorships. The closest example that comes to mind might be the notorious 1970 “Hard Hat Riot” in New York City in which hundreds of pro-Nixon construction workers battled similar numbers of anti-war protesters on the streets of lower Manhattan, an incident so infamous that it has an extensive Wikipedia page of its own.

However, a somewhat different but much closer and more recent analogy may exist. After Donald Trump launched his unexpectedly successful presidential campaign, right-wing, pro-Trump speakers invited to college campuses were regularly harassed and assaulted along with their audiences by mobs of violent antifa, with many of the latter apparently recruited and paid for the purpose.

This sort of very physical “deplatforming” was intended to ensure that their threatening ideas never reached impressionable college students and led conservatives to begin organizing their own groups such as the Proud Boys to provide physical protection. Violent clashes occurred at Berkeley and some other colleges, while similar antifa riots in DC disrupted Trump’s inauguration. From what I remember, most of the organizers and financial backers of these violent antifa groups seemed to be Jewish, so perhaps it’s not surprising that other Jewish leaders have now begun employing very similar tactics to suppress different political movements that they regard as distasteful.

Some years ago a former senior AIPAC official once boasted to a friendly journalist that if he wrote anything on a simple napkin, within 24 hours he could get signatures of 70 Senators to endorse it, and the political power of the ADL is equally formidable. Therefore it was hardly surprising that last week an overwhelming bipartisan 320-91 majority in the House passed a bill broadening the meaning of anti-Zionism and antisemitism in the anti-discrimination policies of the Department of Education by codifying the definitions used in our Civil Rights laws to classify those ideas as discriminatory.

Although I haven’t tried to read the text, the obvious intent it to force colleges to expunge such noxious activities as anti-Israel protests from their campus community or face loss of federal funds. This represents a striking attack against academic freedom as well as America’s traditional freedom of speech and thought, and may also pressure other private organizations to adopt similar policies. In a particularly ironic twist, the definition of antisemitism used in the bill clearly covers portions of the Christian Bible, so the ignorant and compromised Republican legislators have now wholeheartedly endorsed banning the Bible in a country in which 95% of the population has Christian roots...

Tuesday, May 07, 2024

Israel-First Biden regime declares war on the American people (and China, and Russia and Iran...) for genocidal Israel

America's Foes Discover Its Weakness

According to Washington, Chinese, Russian and Iranian agents are seeking to meddle in the 2024 election, are harvesting Americans’ data on Tik Tok, and even organizing the anti-Zionist protests that cops from “defund the police” New York to illegal immigrant riddled Texas are ordered to smash on sight without any concern for civil liberties.

Immediately upon his return from a visit to China, Antony Blinken began to spread gossip on CNN accusing Beijing of trying to sway the 2024 election. He has provided no evidence. As of this moment, there are only two plausible presidential candidates. Both are China hawks, and neither of them wants to be in second place in the race to destroy China...

The US government’s paranoia is being fueled by its global isolation in respects to the Israel-Palestine war in conjunction with growing disapproval at home. At the UN, the United States has used its veto to prevent ceasefires, sanctions and even the symbolic recognition of a Palestinian state, despite the rest of the world being in virtual consensus against it. Washington’s unconditional support for Zionism is not negotiable, albeit unpopular and controversial. Two-thirds of Americans want the government to force Israel to agree to a ceasefire, but this sentiment is being ignored...

But Israel is not, and does not see itself, as most nation states do. The Israeli government holds that it is the representative of every Jew in the world, all who automatically qualify for Israeli citizenship based solely on having Jewish ancestry, regardless of where they are from or whether they have any ties to the Middle East. Plainly speaking, the governments of America (half of the Biden cabinet is Jewish), Ukraine (which has a Jewish prime minister and president) and Israel should be seen as a single transnational Jewish entity, and there is evidence that foreign countries perceive them as such. If this calculation is true, Russia and China can receive the best individual geopolitical cost-to-benefit by aiding in political, military and economic attacks against the country world Jewry has the most sentimental allegiance to.

For young, naive people indoctrinated to believe in the Obama human rights doctrine of the American empire, they now realize they were duped. Losing tomorrow’s elites with mass arrests and bipartisan backed police beatdowns at Yale, Columbia, NYU and other Ivy League institutions where the system’s managerial class is trained has sowed the seeds for a future crisis for the regime...