(News Real Blog) --
...Over in Israel Caroline Glick makes a strong case that the Obama Administration has joined hands with Tzipi Livni’s (photo with Obama above) liberal, jihad-conciliatory Kadima party to topple Binyamin Netanyahu from power. On her blog Glick, a former Captain in the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) for over five years, and Deputy Managing Editor of The Jerusalem Post, lays out the carefully-planned sequence of events that led up to the beginning of Obama’s diplomatic assault on Israel and his snubbing of Netanyahu at The White House.
It is a convoluted, complicated, and believable scenario construct worthy of an Academy Award-quality movie script, wherein the announcement of the now-infamous and contentious housing construction was precisely and deliberately timed to coincide with Vice President Joe Biden’s recent visit with Netanyahu in Israel. Netanyahu was blind-sided by the torpedo and was never in any legal position to intervene in the construction project. He is not a dictator. He is the Prime Minister in a functioning democratic republic. The “surprise” announcement triggered a major Obama diplomatic offensive against Netanyhau, designed to turn the entire World against Israel...MORE...LINK
Chris Moore comments:
Here was the best remark in the "comments" section at David Horowitz's News Real Blog following the article linked above:
DRight: David, you say "The man is a brilliant political strategist, surrounded by like-minded anti-American men and women of exceptional intellect and political acumen." I agree, and those men and women that surround Obama are for the most part Jews, and yes they are anti-American. My question is if the Jews are running America and the Jews are running Israel, and both are subsidized by AIPAC and 3 billion dollars a year from American Taxpayers, isn't it about time that you all practice what you believe, whatever you believe, and leave us alone. Where do you fit in among this grand scheme of things. Are you the poor me the world is persecuting me, or are you the brave Jew standing up for Zion? You all are nutz.Sadly, it's true...these Judeofascist are indeed nuts -- functionally insane, but insane nonetheless. And they have far too much power in both Israel and America, which explains the many problems that have afflicted both since their rise to power.
Is their insanity the result of nature or nurture? It's probably a combination of inbreeding along with religo-cultural paranoia, chauvinism, and racism that triggers the mental illness in such significant percentage of their collective, but who's to know or say? Whatever the case, DRight's sage appeal from his comment above is sensible: "Isn't it about time that you all practice what you believe, whatever you believe, and leave us alone."
In other words, believe whatever the hell you want, but just go away and quite dragging the rest of us into your insane, murderous, melodrama. We don't need your warmongering, we don't need your head case "visions", and we don't need the ugly Gentile ideologues of Left and Right that your ugly Zionist ideology brings to the fore of our own societies.
Just...leave. After all, that's why Israel was created...your very own Shutter Island. So bugger off, you crazy buggers.
Shutter Island...er...Israel: "A convoluted, complicated, and believable scenario construct worthy of an Academy Award-quality movie script..."
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