Wednesday, April 14, 2010

The latest AIPAC front: Oh, the lengths to which U.S. Zionists will go to hide their Israel-first treachury...

Robert Satloff and the Jewish Culture of Deceit
(Occidental Observer Blog) -- By Kevin MacDonald --

Stephen Walt had the audacity to suggest, given Dennis Ross’s close ties to WINEP, that Ross should not have a policy-making position on Middle East issues in the Obama Administration. Neocon Robert Satloff responded with outrage, claiming that Ross has been doing nothing but promoting “U.S. interests in peace and security for the past quarter-century.” And he disingenuously asks, “To which country do we allegedly have a ’strong attachment’? Our foreign-born scholars hail from virtually every country in the Middle East — Turkey, Iran, Israel, and at least a dozen different Arab countries.”

The best response is by M. J. Rosenberg of the Israel Policy Forum, an organization that advocates a two-state solution to the conflict:
Steve Rosen [who was acquited on charges of spying for Israel in 2009] … cleverly came up with the idea for an AIPAC controlled think-tank that would put forth the AIPAC line but in a way that would disguise its connections.

There was no question that WINEP was to be AIPAC’s cutout. It was funded by AIPAC donors, staffed by AIPAC employees, and located one door away, down the hall, from AIPAC Headquarters (no more. It has its own digs). It would also hire all kinds of people not identified with Israel as a cover and would encourage them to write whatever they liked on matters not related to Israel. “Say what you want on Morocco, kid.” But on Israel, never deviate more than a degree or two.
In other words, Satloff’s claims that WINEP is not tied to any particular lobby or country are part of an ongoing subterfuge that fools no one except the mainstream media: “It matters because the media has totally fallen for this sleight of hand and WINEP spokespersons appear (especially on PBS) as if WINEP was not part of the Israel lobby. Some truth-in-labeling is warranted.”

This sort of subterfuge is central to Jewish efforts at influencing policy in a wide range of areas. Because they are a small minority in the US and other Western societies, Jews must recruit support from the wider community. Their positions cannot be phrased as benefiting Jews, but as benefiting the interests of the society as a whole. As a result, these movements cannot tell their name...

This sort of subterfuge was true of all the Jewish intellectual and political movements discussed in The Culture of Critique."...MORE...LINK

MacDonald: "Because they are a small minority in the US and other Western societies, Jews must recruit support from the wider community...This sort of subterfuge was true of all the Jewish intellectual and political movements discussed in The Culture of Critique."

Chris Moore comments:

One of the reasons they are such a small minority is that Judaism does not proselytize because it wants to keep its bloodlines pure (racism). It therefore has to devise all sorts of schemes whereby it can control and manipulate a large apparatus of allies and useful idiots without bringing them directly into the Jewish fold. Communism was one such scheme. Other "modernist" intellectual movements like feminism, Freudianism, neoconservatism, Friedmanism (State-engineered "libertarian" shock doctrine) as documented by MacDonald and others have served the same purpose.

While mostly negative, have these movements had some beneficial side-effects in intellectual development? Arguably. Would the same discoveries have been made only in a more functional manifestation under Christian moral authority? Unquestionably.

Because of their bad will, the intellectual developments as manifested through the Jewish psyche seem to be more designed for sabotage, opportunism and self-advancement than for general human progress.


MacDonald: "Satloff’s claims that WINEP is not tied to any particular lobby or country are part of an ongoing subterfuge that fools no one except the mainstream media”

Even if the MSM is onto the deception, I doubt it would be noted. Kapner has a couple of good articles on Jewish domination of MSM:


Incidentally, I’ve noticed a strange social trend in today’s America where the MSM serves up fluff, crap, and the Statist-Corporatist Official narrative, people speak in code in personal conversations, and real conversations take place on the internet.

It really all started with Political Correctness, and then became entrenched by the Bushcon/Neocon War on Terror when people came to realize it was Jewish Zionists behind it, but that was never discussed in polite conversation.

Minus the internet, today’s America offers a taste of what it must have been like to live in the Soviet Union under Stalin.

If Fox News is speaking any kind of real truth, why is this the case? Murdoch and the GOP are like the Wall Street scum that financed the Nazis to make a buck, and MSNBC, NYT et al are like the Wall Street scum that financed the Bolsheviks to make a buck. The difference is that today, all are backing the Judeofascists to make a buck.

1984 writ large, with Goldstein pulling all strings.


@ ZOG: “Racism” is a Jewish Communist agitprop term invented by Leon Trotsky and Magnus Hirschfeld. Stop using it."

Organized Jewry is the most racist entity on the face of the earth, therefore I will not stop using the term “racism.”

There is a difference between white consciousness, which to me is not objectionable in the least, and institutional racism, which is what Jewry practices in Israel, and is angling for in America — Jewish supremacist institutional racism that is primarily anti-white (because that’s who they are primarily seeking to displace) just as Israeli racism is anti-Arab.

Institutional racism is like money worship. You start going down that road, and sooner or later you end up spiritually Jewish.

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