Sunday, October 03, 2010

Rick Sanchez, Joel Stein, and Jewish supremacist double standards

The Sanchez Affair

(Alternative Right) -- by Richard Spencer

Two years ago, Joel Stein wrote a remarkable op-ed in the Los Angeles Times:

Who Runs Hollywood? C’mon
December 19, 2008
I have never been so upset by a poll in my life. Only 22% of Americans now believe "the movie and television industries are pretty much run by Jews," down from nearly 50% in 1964. The Anti-Defamation League, which released the poll results last month, sees in these numbers a victory against stereotyping. Actually, it just shows how dumb America has gotten. Jews totally run Hollywood.
Stein went on,
But I don't care if Americans think we're running the news media, Hollywood, Wall Street or the government. I just care that we get to keep running them.
Life is probably too short to write essays about the media frenzy over Rick Sanchez’s firing by CNN, though it’s worth pointing out that when this “Latino” newsreader of European extraction said that Jews prevailed at his news corporation and most others,

1.The entire spectrum of mainstream and alternative American media, from the Drudge Report to the sassy liberal Gawker, called Sanchez’s interview a “racist” and/or “anti-Semitic” “rant,” even thought the likable, if dim-witted, anchorman was calmly making subtle distinctions about Jews and White liberals as best he could.

2.Sanchez -- not known for incisiveness or the accurate use of his English lexicon -- expressed opinions about Jon Stewart being “prejudicial” (in the sense of favoring Establishment liberals) and Jewish preeminence that are entirely fair and based on fact.

Whatever one might think of Jewish influence in the media, the fact that Joel Stein is allowed to gloat about the fact -- and Rick Sanchez hounded for alluding to it -- amounts to one of America’s biggest double standards in a crowded field...MORE...LINK

Chris Moore comments:

Stein: "But I don't care if Americans think [Jews are] running the news media, Hollywood, Wall Street or the government. I just care that we get to keep running them."

What a nakedly triumphalist admission not only of disproportionate Jewish power in the US, but of Jewish supremacist (Zionist) ethnocentricity. It's as if he's saying "Yes, all those whispers about too much Jewish power are true -- we earned every bit of it -- and I’m going to do everything I can to see to it that we stay disproportionately powerful."

Now imagine if a White mainstream media columnist had written: "Yes, Whites have all kinds of power in the US -- after all, we built the country -- and I’m going to do everything I can to see to it that we stay disproportionately powerful." Of course, he'd be immediately dragged through the mud as a racist and fired.

Yet Sanchez merely repeats about Jewish power what most honest Jews and non-Jews have already admitted both publicly and privately to themselves, and he’s axed. And not only that, but the liberal capitalist intelligentsia of both Left and Right carry on as if there wasn’t an iota of truth to what he said.

We truly live in Orwellian times, but instead of being forbidden to discuss Communist power and abuses, we are forbidden to discuss Zionist power and abuses.

The sheer weight of the anomie and cognitive dissonance brought on by its own Jewish supremacist double standards, from domestic social and cultural issues to foreign policy and wars for Israel, is going to bring the entire corrupt liberal-capitalist Establishment down sooner rather than later.

And when it goes, and they go, America will be inestimably better off for their downfall.

Triumphalist Jewish supremacist Joel Stein wants his racist, ethnic-racketeering tribe to "keep running" not only Hollywood, but "Wall Street and government" too

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