The Strauss-Kahn affair and France's Jews
The 600,000 strong Jewish community in France fear charges against the former IMF chief will play into negative stereotypes of Jews, but also that Marine Le Pen's National Front will benefit from the affair.
(Haaretz) -- by Danna Harman --
PARIS - Last month, in an interview which now seems sadly prophetic, shamed former IMF chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn identified three challenges he’d face if he ran for president: "Money, women and my Jewishness.”
At the end, being Jewish had nothing at all to do with his downfall. But nonetheless, there is some unease among the 600,000-strong Jewish community here - the largest number outside of Israel and the U.S.- who fear they could be caught in the negative spotlight and that the affair will play into negative stereotypes of Jews and even inflame anti-Semitism.
Indicted on seven criminal charges for allegedly assaulting a maid in a New York hotel last Saturday, Strauss-Kahn, an identified Jew and an outspoken supporter of Israel has gone, overnight, from being one of the great prides of the Jewish community here -- to being something of a liability.
Some, who had believed in Strauss-Kahn and hoped to see him serving as the country’s next president, have expressed a sense of loss. For even if the former Socialist hopeful is acquitted of all the charges against him, his political career, once so promising, is in tatters.
“We have lost a friend,” says Rabbi Michel Serfaty, president of the Jewish-Muslim Friendship of France.
Others though, are less sympathetic to his plight.
“It is a nervous Jew’s nightmare…If ever there was a time that French anti-Semitism were going to rear its head, Mr. Strauss-Kahn has all but issued an engraved invitation,” writes Eric Alterman a senior fellow of the Center for American Progress in Washington DC.
"Indeed, it’s hard to think of a single anti-Semitic stereotype that he does not exemplify. Think about it. Jewish banker: check. Jewish cosmopolitan globalist… check. Jewish leftist: check. Jewish sex maniac: check. “
Add into the mix the fact that the most vocal of Strauss-Kahn’s early defenders was intellectual Bernard-Henri Lévy, another high-flying leftist and identified Jew, and that Strauss-Kahn’s lawyer is an orthodox Jew who gave his first interview on the case this weekend to Haaretz – and the nightmare, for those prone to such nervousness, intensifies.
Some already see repercussions: There are those, argues Serfati, who “…are using the arrest as an example of how perverse the Jews can be…so the community is definitely feeling the repercussions of this story.”.....MORE...LINK
Chris Moore comments:
At this point, the cat is already again out of the bag on the issue of "how perverse the Jews can be." Anyone previously oblivious of that needed only to examine the compiled record of Jewish state and its dark deeds for the last 60 years.
The world again has its eyes wide open, which is probably just as well for the Jews, too. They need to know there will be no more disappearing into the woodwork, or skating on their crimes which, given the criminally incorrigible nature of their Judeofascist wing, is good for the lot of them to keep in mind.
Because even though the Judeofascists need it more than anyone, they can't or won't be Christianized, a variation of an old adage applies: Spare the rod, spoil the Jew.
Hopefully, there will increasingly be no more sparing the rod when it comes to the Judeofascist faction, be its Left half or its Right. That may well end up being the necessary ingredient to keep the sane Jews safe, as well. And who knows, maybe sooner or later their Judeofascist brethren will join them in the world of the lucid.
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