Friday, December 30, 2011

Jewish state aims to incite U.S. race war in Mideast against 280 million Arabs, and use Western agents of Zionism to do it

The sad, sad world of Israel’s big-time liars

(Redress) -- by Stuart Littlewood --

Stuart Littlewood views Israel’s propaganda minister, the self-confessed racist and squatter Yuli Edelstein, and takes a close look at the manual to which Edelstein and other Zionist propagandists work, the “Global Language Dictionary”. Written by Frank Luntz, a US Republican political consultant and pollster, on behalf of the Israel Project, a US media advocacy group, the manual teaches Israel propagandists how to hoodwink people about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, how to silence critics and how to avoid making statements that produce negative reactions.

“A lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes” (attributed to Mark Twain)

Meet another of Israel's undesirables, Yuli Edelstein.

He is the regime’s Propaganda Minister (or to be more precise, Minister for Disinformation and Diaspora) and he runs the biggest lie machine in the world.

His task is to make the Israel “brand” smell sweeter. The reason it stinks, of course, is the regime's putrid morals and murderous conduct, which the lie machine works overtime to try to justify and excuse. It will always fail. You cannot build a decent brand image on lies, obnoxious behaviour and a massive attitude problem.

The racist squatter minister
Edelstein hit the headlines over Christmas when he told everybody that the Arabs are "a deplorable nation". He was speaking at a public diplomacy event (incredible as it may seem!) at Yor Yehuda, which I'm told means "light of Juda".

He said that “as long as the Arab nation continues to be a deplorable nation, which continues investing in infrastructure for terrorism, education to hate and welfare for the families of shaheeds [martyrs], there will be no peace.”

The reporter asked Edelstein's office if the minister was aware that there are some 80 [sic – in fact, the population of the Arab world is about 280 million, excluding the diaspora] ] million Arabs in the world, from Sudan to Syria. A spokesman replied: “Yes, there are – and the minister meant them all.”

That's rich coming from someone whose own position doesn’t bear examination. I understand Edelstein lives in one of Israel's illegal settlements, Neve Daniel, which is built on stolen Palestinian land in wilful breach of Article 49 of the Fourth Geneva Convention.

“Settlers” is too nice a word for such people. It suggests peaceful pioneers wishing to integrate with the locals. Israeli “settlers” are anything but. They are aggressive squatters, half a million of them in over 100 illegal colonies – ugly blots on an otherwise lovely landscape. They include gangs of armed delinquents and religious nutters who terrorize local villagers, vandalize their crops, pollute their land and harass their children. The Fourth Geneva Convention forbids an occupying power to transfer parts of its own civilian population – and that includes Edelstein and his ministerial colleague the psychopath Avigdor Lieberman – into the territory it occupies. Which leaves these two charmers open to charges of war crimes.

Israel’s hasbara liars verge on the compulsive and pathological. Telling lies is routine; they are in denial of reality; they exaggerate; they come to believe their lies; they have no remorse; and they have no regard for the consequences. Despite this, the Western media lap up anything Tel Aviv’s liars spew out...

It goes without saying that Israel's lie machine has an instruction manual for those it recruits into its vile business. See it here.

The manual’s general thrust is to win over the mass of “persuadables”, primarily in America but also in the UK. The strategy from the start is to isolate democratically-elected Hamas and to rob the resistance movement and the Palestinian people of their human rights. This quote at the beginning sets the tone: "Remember, it’s not what you say that counts. It’s what people hear."

The lie machine's top priority: demonise Hamas

And this is how they try it on.

•“Clearly differentiate between the Palestinian people and Hamas. There is an immediate and clear distinction between the empathy Americans feel for the Palestinians and the scorn they direct at Palestinian leadership. Hamas is a terrorist organization – Americans get that already. But if it sounds like you are attacking the Palestinian people (even though they elected Hamas) rather than their leadership, you will lose public support. Right now, many Americans sympathize with the plight of the Palestinians, and that sympathy will increase if you fail to differentiate the people from their leaders.”

•"Draw direct parallels between Israel and America—including the need to defend against terrorism... The more you focus on the similarities between Israel and America, the more likely you are to win the support of those who are neutral. Indeed, Israel is an important American ally in the war against terrorism, and faces many of the same challenges as America in protecting their citizens."

Note how Israel’s strategy is almost totally dependent on the false idea that they and America are victims of terror and all Western nations need to huddle together with Israel for mutual protection. Fortunately, level-headed people are beginning to realize who the terrorists really are.

It is surely obvious by now that allowing parallels to be drawn between Israel and America only serves to increase the world’s hatred of America. US citizens are very belatedly waking up to this, as are British citizens, but many continue to fall ass-over-tit into the trap.

Next, inject with “core values” and repeat over and over and over again
•"The language of Israel is the language of America: 'democracy,' 'freedom,' 'security,' and 'peace.' These four words are at the core of the American political, economic, social and cultural systems, and they should be repeated as often as possible because they resonate with virtually every American."
If so fluent in this splendid language, why won’t Israel acknowledge their neighbours’ rights to democracy, freedom, security and peace and end their military oppression?

•"A simple rule of thumb is that once you get to the point of repeating the same message over and over again so many times that you think you might get sick – that is just about the time the public will wake up and say 'Hey – this person just might be saying something interesting to me!' But don’t confuse messages with facts..."
Right, never let facts get in the way of a good message! And, as George “Dubya” Bush, 43rd US President, said: "See, in my line of work you got to keep repeating things over and over and over again for the truth to sink in, to kind of catapult the propaganda."

•"The fight is over IDEOLOGY, not land; terror, not territory. Thus, you must avoid using Israel’s religious claims to land as a reason why Israel should not give up land. Such claims only make Israel look extremist to people who are not religious Christians or Jews.”

If the fight isn’t about land, why did Israel steal it at gunpoint? And why won’t they give it back when told to repeatedly by the UN?...MORE...LINK

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