The Occult Magic of the Jewish Cabbala
( -- by Texe Marrs --
...In the decades of the 70s, 80s, and 90s, the hottest spiritual trend was the New Age movement. As we move forward through the first decade of the 21st century, the latest cure-all spiritual phenomenon bought by the gullible masses seems to be the Jewish Cabala (or Kabbalah). The newfound popularity of this end-time sorcery is not by accident. Its emergence is a carefully planned Illuminati event.
The Cabala is not new. It’s been around for centuries. The Cabala is actually ancient magic. It is an exotic blend of devilish, sometimes fanciful, New Age mystical practices topped by a philosophical bent of Jewish supremacism. Orthodox Judaism, or phariseeism, is rife with cabalism, and Jewish rabbis are the Cabala’s greatest promoters.
Celebrities and Cabala
The explosion in mainstream interest in cabalism is boosted by many big-name celebrities who have recently been hawking cabalism as the miraculous answer to all of man’s problems. An undercover BBC reporter who infiltrated a London Cabala group witnessed singer Madonna and Guy Ritchie chanting mystic spells in a vain attempt to "cleanse" Chernobyl, the site in Ukraine of a nuclear plant disaster in 1986. Other news accounts link entertainers Paris Hilton, Britney Spears, Roseanne Barr, Demi Moore, Shirley MacLaine, Ashton Kutcher, Sandra Bernhard, Barbra Streisand, Dianne Keaton, Gwyneth Paltrow, Goldie Hawn, Elizabeth Taylor, Michael Jackson, Mick Jagger, Diane Ladd, Laura Dern and a legion of other "stars" with practice of Cabala.
Look closely when you see any of these people on TV or pictured in magazines and you’ll often see the characteristic red string wristband they wear. Lately, former President Bill Clinton’s been spotted wearing it—he’s a cabalist—and so has Florida politician Katherine Harris, who became a famous household icon as Florida’s Republican Secretary of State during the bizarre 2000 election snafu. Republican big-wig and former House Speaker, Newt Gingrich, is reported to be a Cabala advocate, and some say conservative talk show host Rush Limbaugh and his rabbi are also into the Cabala...MORE...LINK
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