Editor's note: the first four minutes or so of the first video are worth watching (the rest of the time is throwaway of Dice trying to get through to leave a phone message with CNN).
In the second video, per usual, Alex Jones doesn't reveal the Jewish-fascist identity of the players, but does help connect the dots in other areas.--C.M.
CNN's Propaganda Family Ties
(YouTube.com) -- by MarkDice --
CNN Presstitute, Dana Bash (nee' Schwartz)- 'Worried About Ron Paul's Success'!
(YouTube.com) -- by GrassyKnollTrolls
1 comment:
Bash is downright sloppy with her outright contempt reporting on a political candidate. She did not even wince when she slipped up about her concern with a Paul Presidency.
Is this the new type of reporter that America will be seeing on years to come. A hybrid reporter/pundit?
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