Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Like so many propagandists and phony "liberal" defenders of the statist racket, Rachel Maddow is a Zionist shill

Adelson is giving Gingrich $5 million because of fear of Ron Paul — Chris Matthews

(Mondoweiss) -- by Philip Weiss --

This is hard to believe. MSNBC's coverage of New Hampshire began tonight with a five or six minute conversation about Sheldon Adelson's "dark money," as Rachel Maddow put it-- the $5 million injection to Gingrich's super PAC that has revived the former speaker's presidential race-- without the word Israel crossing anyone's lips.

Maddow called on investigative reporter Michael Isikoff to explain the money, and yet again Isikoff pulled the wool over his viewers' eyes about Sheldon Adelson's ends. Isikoff described Adelson as "a billionaire with his own economic interests-- a casino empire." He went on to speak of Adelson's passion against unions.

Maddow kept up the blackjack talk. She said that Adelson's "history, past interests" will become a defining factor in this campaign-- and that's casinos.

The conversation flowed into a righteous attack on "vulture capitalism" and billionaires.

Not till Chris Matthews came on a few minutes later did we get any inkling of Adelson's real interest. Thank god for Matthews, he got at the real motive behind this gift: foreign policy. Gingrich has "fluffed up Sheldon Adelson with a lot of fear talk about Ron Paul" and Paul's "isolationism," Matthews said. So Adelson will continue to cough the money up.

This has "nothing to do with theories of capitalism," Matthews said. Adelson is "afraid of the Middle East situation," and he's going to keep spending money.

As I say, you did not hear the word Israel in any of these immaculate perceptions. But good for Matthews for saying something about the emperor's lack of clothes.

For her part, Maddow has turned Adelson into a conventional liberal exhibit about campaign finance: the "quirks" of "truly motivated" billionaires are going to drive our political process, Adelson could decide to spend 100s of millions to defy the public will...MORE...LINK

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