Alan Dershowitz: Policing Jewish Opponents of a War with Iran
(Occidental Observer) -- by Kevin MacDonald --
Jews have always policed their own—a basic element of any successful group and a central idea behind the cultural group selection model of Judaism. A good example is the drama playing out now on the attempt to police Jews who are critical of Israel’s desire for a war with Iran. Media Matters, the leftist news organization whose main goal has been to attack Fox News, has hired MJ Rosenberg, the former AIPAC operative who is now a prominent critic of Israel, to beef up its foreign policy coverage. Rosenberg commits the sin of using the phrase “Israel Firster” to refer to people like Alan Dershowitz and the Israel Lobby generally. (Rosenberg did not invent this label. As discussed here, the phrase had been used long before by Wilmot Robertson, David Duke, and the Vanguard News Network.) As Rosenberg has noted, saying that AIPAC has dual loyalty is giving them credit for one more loyalty than they actually have...
Another very ominous sign is that the Congressional forces advocating war have now settled on a weaker criterion for war—that Iran simply possess “the scientific knowledge and industrial means to build a nuclear bomb,” not necessarily actually build one or even intend to build one (LATimes: “Obama likely to resist pressure to further toughen Iran stance“). As Philip Giraldi, writing at Council for the National Interest, notes: “There are about 50 countries in the world that have the capability to produce a nuclear weapon if they chose to do so, making Iran far from unique but for its persistence as a thorn in the side of Israel and Israel’s powerful lobby in the United States.” The LATimes article notes that 38 senators also signed a resolution that the Obama administration not pursue containment of Iran, a policy that leaves a military strike the only realistic option...
Rosenberg includes a passage that should evoke righteous anger in every American. Despite the decisive role of the Israel Lobby in initiating the Iraq war, the vast majority of the people he is describing are White Americans, and I rather doubt that even one of them is a Jew.
I oppose war because we lost 4,400 men and women in Iraq, a war built on lies and false premises, conveyed by many of the self-same people promoting war with Iran. I don’t think we should lose even one solider in a war against a country that does not directly threaten the American people.So obviously, the Lobby is intensely motivated to squelch MJ Rosenberg. And who better to do it than Alan Dershowitz, since he is well known to be on the left and therefore shares many of the same contacts as the Media Matters crowd.
A few months ago, on a beautiful Saturday, I was walking on the grounds of the Walter Reed Army Hospital here in Washington. (A friend got me in.) There were dozens of young guys being pushed around in wheel chairs by parents, wives, girlfriends, buddies, etc. They looked like injured members of the high school football team, except that so many were missing limbs.
I approached an officer and said that these boys seemed cheerful considering their situations. He said, “These soldiers are the lucky ones. They lost limbs and, worse, often testicles [from IED's]. But not their minds. In that building over there are the brain injured. Their parents visit too but you won’t see them out on the grounds like these soldiers.”
In an interview with neocon Alan Klein on WABC (see here), Dershowitz declares war on Rosenberg and Media Matters. The interview is interesting for several reasons. Dershowitz is what Philip Weiss calls a PEP—Progressive Except for Palestine. I would simply call him a hypocrit—TOO now has 31 articles on the gulf between the leftist bent of Diaspora Jews and what’s going on in Israel. Dershowitz identifies himself as on the left but notes that it is important to keep the left safe for Israel. He’s an exemplar of the many liberal Jews who claim to be critical of some Israeli policies, like the settlements, yet fail to mount any serious pressure to change Israeli policy. Yes, American Jews can and do influence Israeli policy. But all of their energy is spent pursuing the leftist multicultural madness in the US, while turning a blind eye and implicitly supporting racialist apartheid Israel. Dershowitz: “We can’t let people think that there is any inherent lack of progressiveness in Israel.” Good luck trying to persuade any reasonably sane non-Jewish progressive with that.
And in this case, the listener can be forgiven for coming away with the impression that Rosenberg’s opposition to a war with Iran marks him as a bigot and an anti-Semite. Indeed, Dershowitz claims that while he is an 80% supporter of Israel, Rosenberg is 100% opposed to Israel. Opposition to a war with Iran equals opposition to Israel.
Dershowitz congratulates the Center for American Progress for clamping down on staffers using the phrase “Israel Firster”. But Media Matters has stuck by its guns, so an all-out assault is warranted.
Like the rest of the left, Media Matters is funded by Jews, and Dershowitz wonders if these Jews are aware of where their money is going. Klein points out that there are very close associations between the White House and Media Matters, including weekly conferences with Obama administration staffers. There are funding connections as well. Klein points out that Penny Pritzker is a major donor and fundraiser for Obama and also contributes to Media Matters, and Dershowitz mentions Barbra Streisand and George Soros as major supporters of both.
So Media Matters is going to pay a price for keeping MJ Rosenberg around, and the Obama administration can look forward to pressure on its Jewish financial base if it does not do the bidding of the Lobby. All this is happening right before the heat is really turned up at the impending AIPAC conference and Netanyahu’s annual visit to Washington. (Last year’s conference created major problems for the Obama administration, as Obama had to explain away a call to make the 1967 borders the basis of negotiations, and Congress gave Netanyahu around 30 standing ovations.)...MORE...LINK
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