Proof that [Jew] Rod Rosenstein, former Deputy Attorney General, was an Organizer of the Treasonous Plot to Unseat President Trump
The imminent collapse of Adam Schiff’s “whistleblower” hoax will devastate Dems in 2020 and beyond
It’s all staged. Everything pushed by the Democrats, the tech giants and the media is theater for your mind. Everything is a false narrative, a hoax or a false flag operation. Nothing they tell you is rooted in reality.
(The corrupt political class and propaganda class are attempting to create a virtual reality where they write the script, and put themselves in charge forever. (((Adam Schiff))) and his cabal are at the center of the plot.)
Shifty Adam Schiff To Resign Or Be Arrested For Treason?
AOC Accuses Trump Of Anti-Semitism Over Attacks On "Lyin' Shifty Schiff"
Sara Bronfman Igtet - the Nxivm Criminal Who Got Away
(Another billionaire Jewess walks free.)
The Real Saudi-Israeli Relations: a once-covert alliance between Israel and Arab Gulf monarchies and the Trump administration’s election-year hope to normalize it
(The hidden Zionist-Wahhabi alliance goes back to at least as far as their 9/11 inside job.)

(Another billionaire Jewess walks free.)

(The hidden Zionist-Wahhabi alliance goes back to at least as far as their 9/11 inside job.)
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