Amidst the on-going saga of the impeachment of Donald Trump, we are incidentally treated to a rare spectacle—a strikingly transparent display of Jewish reach, influence, and power. Individual bits and pieces of this picture are known, but a comprehensive assessment has yet to be made. A close look at this situation makes clear, once again, both the dominance and the thorough-going corruption of American Jews and their global network of coreligionists. It’s worth taking a moment to document this story, “for the record”—and then to draw a few conclusions.
ZOG operatives Schiff, Nadler lead the Deep State harassment of Trump:
David Stockman Exposes The Ukrainian Influence-Peddling Rings
To be sure, foolish politicians like Adam Schiff, Jerry Nadler and the Clintonista apparatus at the center of the Dem party are so overcome with inconsolable grief and anger about losing the 2016 election to Trump that their sole purpose in life is to drive the Donald from office. But that just makes them "useful idiots" or compliant handmaids of the Deep State, which has a far more encompassing and consequential motivation.
ZOG/Deep State operative Horowitz:
Don’t Expect Any Truth from Washington, by Paul Craig Roberts
Inspector General Michael Horowitz, who is part of the problem, has proven me correct with his whitewash of the politically orchestrated “investigation” of President Trump for collusion with Russia to steal the US presidential election. No one in his right mind could believe such a ridiculous accusation was worthy of investigation, especially when there was not a nano-gram of evidence, as the Mueller report confirmed. Horowitz even ruled that there was no FBI political bias despite the total proof of it in FBI Deputy Assistant Director Peter Strzok’s emails with DOJ lawyer Lisa Page, showing the plot against Trump.
Racist Jewish fanatic Schiff a progressive hero, says fake news:
‘You spelled human Ambien wrong.’ The Hill calls Adam Schiff a ‘progressive rock star’ and WHOA NELLY that’s a lotta backfire
"But it is precisely Shiff’s sober demeanor and steady hand guiding the two-month impeachment investigation — including two weeks of televised public hearings — that have made him a national political figure, a household name and unlikely progressive rock star."
Shifty Schiff’s Story Collapses: The Hill’s Solomon: Ukraine Reopened Burisma/Biden Investigation Five Months Before Trump-Zelensky Phone Call
According to a Fox News report on Solomon’s discovery, “a newly unearthed document shows that Ukrainian officials had opened a new probe into the firm linked to Hunter Biden months before President Trump’s phone call with that country’s leader.”
An untouchable Zionist asset for decades:
Epstein Was a Mossad Agent Used to Blackmail American Politicians, Says Former Israeli Spy
Ari Ben-Menashe, a former Israeli spy and alleged “handler” of Robert Maxwell, told the authors of a new book, Epstein: Dead Men Tell No Tales, that Epstein ran a “complex intelligence operation” at the behest of Mossad. Believing that Epstein planned to marry his daughter, Maxwell introduced him and Ghislaine Maxwell to Ben-Menashe’s Mossad circle.
First Look At Epstein, Ghislaine Maxwell And Very Young Girls On 'Pedo Island'
Davies also revealed how Epstein bragged about his friendship with Prince Andrew and his ex-wife Sarah Ferguson, and how Epstein used his relationship with the Duke of York to lure young girls into his orbit - at one point, allegedly having an orgy with Andrew and several young girls.
Prince Andrew Most Hilarious Lies in BBC Jeffrey Epstein interview. The Royal Family is Scared.
Zionist Money Already Corrupting the 2020 Elections, by Eric Striker
The parasites in the shadows making a mockery out of representative democracy have good reason to be confident: they are already starting to corrupt the 2020 elections. Open Secrets analyzed the most recent donor data for the top 10 political donors going into next year’s first quarter. Unsurprisingly, 8 out of 10 of these fat cats are Jews.
Scumbag Jewish bankster Singer and his war on middle America:
Tucker Carlson bit on Paul Singer
The influence of Wall Street hedge funds is slowly creeping into rural America.
All of them Zionists:
Billionaires, Russian oligarchs, Ukrainian ambassadors, international financiers, the Rothschilds, and glitterati of all sorts gathered at the 2019 gala for the World Jewish Congress ~ The gathering represented unparalleled power and wealth martialled on behalf of Israel | Alison Weir
Collectively affirming their racist Chosenite Zionism:
Jewish Children Gather to Sing “I’m not White, I’m Jewish” (
Pompeo Gives Away the Palestinian West Bank ~ The Trump Administration again demonstrates its subservience to Israel | Philip Giraldi
Pompeo’s latest statement, consistent with many of his earlier ones, is completely contrary to the Fourth Geneva Convention framework of international law governing behavior by occupying military powers that was established after the Second World War. It ignores the fact that the status quo of expanding settlements has only taken place because of Washington’s refusal to do anything about it. The State Department’s new interpretation completely embraces arguments being made by hard-line politicians in Israel and opens the door to endorsement by the White House of a total de facto or even de jure annexation of the West Bank by the Jewish state.
Fake news New York Times attempts more propaganda:
‘NY Times’ makes up news about ‘a new group of Arab thinkers’ who want to end the Israel boycott
The problem is that genuine Mideast experts barely recognize any of their names. Gregg Carlstrom, who is a correspondent for The Economist based in Cairo, tweeted, “Not to spoil the party here, but aside from Sadat [Anwar Sadat, a nephew of the late Egyptian president of the same name] I’ve never actually heard of these people, nor has anyone I’ve asked.”
David Sirota: Michael Bloomberg could singlehandedly eliminate half of all medical debt in America and still remain a billionaire — and instead he’s spending money on ads glorifying himself and his campaign to prevent billionaires from having to pay slightly higher taxes. Think about that.
Hypocrite Democrat Bloomberg was once a Republican, but his Jewish Zionist loyalties have always remained the same:
Watch As Bloomberg Ticks Off Most Of America In Ridiculous Video
It’s hard to believe that, at one time, former NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg, founder of the Bloomberg media empire, was ever a Republican, but he was. Then, when he thought it would suit him politically, he became an Independent. Now, the transformation is complete: He’s running for the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination. But it’s appropriate given what his political stances and positions are. He’s a gun control guy. He believes in higher taxes. He thinks government is the solver of problems, not the creator of them. And he’s a gigantic hypocrite.
"War on Terror" pimping Jewish fanatic Thomas Friedman regrets nothing:
‘I would do it again’ — Tom Friedman stands by support for Iraq War in ‘personal crusade’ to change Arab world
New York Times columnist Tom Friedman says the Iraq war worked out for the best and he stands by his decision to support it in his “personal crusade” to bring pluralism to the Arab world. On stage at Temple Emanu-El in New York in September (video of which was posted this month), Friedman said that Arab pluralism is good for Israel, and assured the audience that “Israel had me at hello” — at 9 years old in 1962 — and he will never abandon the Jewish state. Though he worries that the next generation of Times columnists won’t be so committed.
Bernie Sanders: Fossil Fuel Industry 'Probably Criminally Liable' for Climate Change
Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) claimed during Wednesday evening’s Democrat presidential primary debate the fossil fuel industry is “probably criminally liable” for climate change and signaled he is open to “prosecuting them.”
Anti-Zionism bad, says Marxist guru:
Slavoj Žižek’s “Pervert’s Guide” to Anti-Semitism, by Andrew Joyce
What does any of this have to do with anti-Semitism? If you’re the superstar Marxist intellectual Slavoj Žižek, it has everything to do with anti-Semitism, since as we will find out, infidelity and anti-Semitism are irrefutably linked. I say “irrefutably” quite deliberately, because his arguments are irrefutable — and they are irrefutable because they are nonsensical.
Corrupt-liberal MSM fear Jewish oligarchy trading Dem puppets for Republican ones:
Apocalypse Now: Media Has Meltdown Over Zuckerberg, Thiel Dinner With Trump
But apparently this “secret” meeting that Facebook didn’t hide when asked was cause for those in liberal media to meltdown. Because obviously the fact that Zuckerberg and Thiel dared to eat with Trump, like many other people, is a sign of the end times and some evil plot.
What does any of this have to do with anti-Semitism? If you’re the superstar Marxist intellectual Slavoj Žižek, it has everything to do with anti-Semitism, since as we will find out, infidelity and anti-Semitism are irrefutably linked. I say “irrefutably” quite deliberately, because his arguments are irrefutable — and they are irrefutable because they are nonsensical.
Corrupt-liberal MSM fear Jewish oligarchy trading Dem puppets for Republican ones:
Apocalypse Now: Media Has Meltdown Over Zuckerberg, Thiel Dinner With Trump
But apparently this “secret” meeting that Facebook didn’t hide when asked was cause for those in liberal media to meltdown. Because obviously the fact that Zuckerberg and Thiel dared to eat with Trump, like many other people, is a sign of the end times and some evil plot.
Jewish press, always doing its worst to start global wars:
Germany Did Not Start World War II, by Paul Craig Roberts
World War II was a war started by private agendas. Jews understood these agendas and encouraged them. Roosevelt’s lust for world hegemony and Churchill’s lust to rival his famous ancestor’s defeat of the Sun King of France with his defeat of Germany traveled roads paved for them by Jewish anti-German propaganda. All Hitler contributed was to force countries given German territory by the Versailles Treaty to release the lands and the Germans, who were heavily persecuted in Czechoslovakia and Poland. Hitler’s restoration of Germany’s national boundaries was misrepresented in the British and US press as “German aggression.”
World War II was a war started by private agendas. Jews understood these agendas and encouraged them. Roosevelt’s lust for world hegemony and Churchill’s lust to rival his famous ancestor’s defeat of the Sun King of France with his defeat of Germany traveled roads paved for them by Jewish anti-German propaganda. All Hitler contributed was to force countries given German territory by the Versailles Treaty to release the lands and the Germans, who were heavily persecuted in Czechoslovakia and Poland. Hitler’s restoration of Germany’s national boundaries was misrepresented in the British and US press as “German aggression.”
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