Saturday, August 29, 2020

Antifa terrorist brought to justice by Kyle Rittenhouse was a Jewish sex offender convicted of sexual misconduct with a minor

Antifa terrorist brought to justice by Kyle Rittenhouse was a Jewish sex offender convicted of sexual misconduct with a minor

Kenosha: Multiple "Antifa" Rioters Shot After Attempting to Jump Young Man. Zionist propagandist for NY Times declares shooter "white supremacist."

((Joseph Rosenbaum)), 36, the first one killed, was a registered sex offender for a sex crime involving a minor

Kyle Rittenhouse is an American HERO… finally someone stands up to BLM terror and shoots back in self-defense, taking out two ((BLM thugs))

Kenosha shooting: Self-defense against Zionist terrorism is never wrong

Antifa terrorists shot by 17-year-old American patriot were working as a Zionist organized crime team

Liberal fascist Kamala Harris pledges unconditional support to Judeofacist Netanyahu and Israel

((David Axelrod)) has second thoughts on Jewish-instigated rioting, murder and mayhem because now its hurting the Zionist occupied Democrat Party

ADL Admits Protesters Have Constitutional Right To Warn Public That Jews Are Fomenting A Race War In America

Jews and leftist Muslims make a dirty deal to not talk about the Judeofacist state of Israel and its Mideast genocide of Palestinians, Muslims and Arabs in order to concentrate on destroying "white nationalist" Trump

All of them Zionists: First Amendment allows anti-Israel protests outside Ann Arbor synagogue, judge rules

New York Times scapegoats evangelicals for Pompeo's speech in Israel, ignores far more powerful and wealthy Judeofascists

Why fake-victim Zionists claim they feel existentially threatened by Iran

By using their undue power and influence to have Muhammed and his entire staff fired, the Jews proved once again that another Jewish “canard” is indeed true — they do control the largest “Black” advocacy group in America.

Jews seek to normalize their culture of pedophilia in America

Israeli women protest violence against females in wake of Jewish gang rape of 16-year-old. As many as 30 Jewish rapists participated.

Jewish Homosexual Appointed By Macron To Oversee De-Christianization Of France And Protect Its ‘Cultural Heritage’

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