Sunday, January 31, 2021

Liberal gatekeepers ignore major human rights report declaring Israel an apartheid regime in its entirety. It's the "tell" that the liberal-neocon establishment is in the bag for ZOG.

Liberal gatekeepers ignore major human rights report declaring Israel an apartheid regime in its entirety. It's the "tell" that the liberal-neocon establishment is in the bag for ZOG.

As Judeofascists in Israel get pressed to the wall for apartheid, they bulge up in the Biden administration and project their own crimes onto whites

Jewish establishment gets Trump to pardon Jewish criminals. It's one big criminal Zionist organization.

The totalitarianism of the day reflects the sadism of its Jewish sociopath enforcers

Greenwald: This huge [Jew lackey] institutional left has almost no ability to put fear in the heart of ruling class elites, and I think it's so interesting that this real threat to Wall Street is coming from a group of people who almost certainly don't identify with that left at all 

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