Thursday, April 08, 2021

Lavrov says US regime is slipping into an anti-white extreme against "white US citizens." Are racist Judeofascists behind it?

Lavrov says US regime is slipping into an anti-white extreme against "white US citizens." Are racist Judeofascists behind it?

Russia’s Lavrov Warns of Surging Anti-White Racism in US. The ((New York Times)) is leading the attack.

Zionism -- A religion of genocide against anyone who gets in their way

Jews lose again: In the second important win for Palestinian rights and BDS this month, a federal judge has dismissed a Jewish National Fund lawsuit that targeted the US Campaign for Palestinian Rights for alleged terror connections over its support for BDS

Pathological Jews destroy the same U.S. military they want to use to destroy the world. They're programmed for destruction.

Israeli spy ((Epstein)) raped victim in front of her 8 year-old son, says lawsuit 

Jewish-American Spy Encourages Jews in America to Spy for Israel

Jewish-Jordanian operative for Israelis was key figure in plot to overthrow Jordan's King Abdullah

How The Satanic, Anti-Moses Talmud Interprets The Bible So ‘Trans Jews’ Appear To Be Created In The Image Of God

Why ((Communist)) liars insist Hitler was a controlled operative, and the proof that the Khazarian-Hebrew hypothesis is true

Latest CDC report on adverse effects records 2,050 deaths following injections of the experimental COVID “vaccines.” But the ((MSM)) won't tell.

Are Jews using the vaccine to lobotomize people?

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