Monday, March 14, 2022

The Ukraine operation amounts to Russia trying to mop up yet another Judeofascist mess

The Ukraine operation amounts to Russia trying to mop up yet another Judeofascist mess

Joe Biden bribed by ((Jewish)) oligarchs in Ukraine

Zelensky & Hunter Owned by the Same ((Jewish)) Oligarch. Ukraine Destruction is Corrupt US Political Class Attempt to Bury its Evil in the Rubble

America's ((Jewish))-dominated media leading anti-Russian hate campaign

In Congressional hearing, Zionists ((Nuland)) and Rubio project their murderous modus operandi onto Russians

((Nuland)) Admits US-Backed Biowarfare Labs in the Ukraine Are Real

Zionist Sen. ((Chuck Schumer)) Claims 'There is a Holocaust Going On' in Ukraine

DuckDuckGo CEO ((Gabriel Weinberg)) announces new Google-style censorship scheme for "Russian disinformation."

Facilitating WW3? Unhinged ((Sean Penn)) Talking with ((Zelensky)) Chief of Staff About Rallying US Public for Weapons Transfer from Poland to Ukraine

Is the "War in Ukraine" fake? Are Putin and Trump working together to marginalize the authentic right?

The reason for Russia’s self-imposed impotence is that a large chunk of the Russian intellectual and ruling class has been brainwashed by the World Economic Forum and is committed to globalism

ZOG will scrap new nuclear deal with Iran because of its war on Russia

ZOG conspiracy: NY Times "reporter" ((Mathew Rosenberg)) caught on tape admitting his narrative of Jan 6 Capitol protests was a lie designed to comport with the official government narrative of populist terrorism

The curious case of "Jack Murphy" aka ((John Goldman))

Do ((Jews)) deliberately provoke hatred of ((Jewishness))?

Racist ((Jewish))-American Princess projects her ancient and eternal Zionist hatred of humanity onto Whites, blames Nazis

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