Biden's Department of Homeland Security Secretary ((Alejandro Mayorkas)) lied under oath to Senate about plans to install ((Nina Jankowicz)) as Disinfo Czar, says Senator
Biden's Department of Homeland Security Secretary ((Alejandro Mayorkas)) lied under oath to Senate about plans to install ((Nina Jankowicz)) as Disinfo Czar, says Senator
Are ((Jews))/Judeofascists “fully realized”? Do they know who and what they are? Or do they think they’re Jews?
How long has GOP been ZOG?
George HW Bush called ((Hollywood)) Ronald Reagan's deficit spending program "voodoo economics" before joining in the plunder as his VP
((Robert Reich)) calls for return to power of Cheney Dynasty, endorses Liz for President
US Begs Israel to Pause Zionist Abuse of Palestinians While Cameras Rolling During Joe "I am a Zionist" Biden Visit
US Secretly Reviews And Approves Many Israeli Airstrikes In Syria
The Power of the Jewish Lobby: Israelis killing Americans is okay In Washington.
The current high costs of energy can be partially traced back to ((Larry Fink)) and BlackRock’s profiteering “woke” agenda
Yahweh is merely a symbol of conspiracy tribalism. Just like the Black Cube.
((Jews)) smart enough to hijack civilization, but not smart enough to maintain civilization
Can't work with nutcase ZOG: Russia's top foreign policy expert says Russia has given up illusions it can resolve Ukraine conflict peacefully, begun economic "decoupling" from West
This whole thing was started by ZOG instigating a color revolution in the Ukraine in 2014, overthrowing an elected government, and then rapidly militarizing to kill ethnic Russians
Cocaine Sniffer Zelensky Tells American Jewish Committee Brethren in Low, Strenuous, Raspy Voice: Camps Resembling Nazi concentration Camps Set Up By Russia
Ultimately, why are ((Jews)) mentally ill control freaks? Why do they seek global totalitarianism, and pursue evil like the Great Reset to get it?
The Great Reset: Turning Back The Clock On Civilization
The Serpent Has Systematically Infiltrated the American Barnyard and the Animals Have Become Increasingly Restive. Putin Would Have to be Stupid Not to Know This.
The 8 Jewish justices who made the US Supreme Court jump
Internet sensation "White supremacist," author and "anti-Semitic conspiracy theorist" turns out to be a ((Jew))
‘Washington Post’ concludes that Israeli soldier killed Shireen Abu Akleh — building pressure on U.S. gov’t
‘NYT’ report on stalled Iran deal talks hides Israel’s ongoing sabotage effort
((Jews)) and Slavery: Three Books That Indict the Zionist Peculiar Ones For Their Peculiar Institution
Profiteering-left homelessness magnates like ((Dr. Margot Kushel)) get rich by prescribing ((kleptocrat)) "solutions" that bankrupt the public and make matters worse
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