The Deep State is Ukraine; Ukraine is the Deep State
...For example, Jewish power is a much-remarked phenomenon (though it may be forbidden to speak of in polite company); thus, it makes sense that a powerful faction of the Leviathan would consist of influential Jews. Yet this same Leviathan made peace with thousands of high-ranking Nazis after the end of World War II, and brought these ostensibly murderously anti-Semitic men into the highest escalon of power in the West, the better to exploit these German men's technological brilliance in the fields of rocketry, the better to provide the military-industrial-complex with greater and more sophisticated weaponry during the Cold War era...
So we must, then, understand that was may seem self-contradictory is nevertheless true: that Jews and Nazis are working in concert, perhaps to achieve ends that both conceive of as being mutually beneficial...
In Ukraine, we see a similar Jew-Nazi alliance paradigm at play, but in this case, it is out in the open for all to see (even if the expansionist, interventionist NATO-worshipping neocons and neolibs refuse to acknowledge it). Ukraine is, after all, ruled by an increasingly dictatorial Jewish prime minister, and supported by the familiar gang of disproportionately Jewish elites in the West, its military consists of unabashedly Nazi-oriented groups like Right Sector and the Azov Battalion...
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