Sunday, November 05, 2023

Epitomizing the totalitarian international Zionist mindset, Israel says: You’re either with us or Hamas

You’re either with us or Hamas – Israel

Nations that have failed to support Israel’s response to the atrocities committed by Hamas on October 7 are on the side of the militant group in the conflict, the Israeli Foreign Ministry has declared. There can be no neutrality regarding the conflict, a ministry spokesman has inisisted.

Speaking at a virtual media briefing on Friday, Lior Hayat described Israel’s intention to obliterate Hamas as an existential goal. The group’s leadership, he claimed, is planning “another October 7 massacre, and another one after that, and another one after that.”...

This week, Bolivia cut diplomatic ties with Israel in protest against its military tactics in Gaza. Colombia and Chile have recalled their ambassadors to the Jewish state – a move that Israel claimed made them aligned with Iran in “supporting terrorism.” The country has accused Iran, its long-time regional nemesis, of being behind Hamas.

The binary approach that Hayat described resembles the position of the Ukrainian government regarding its own conflict with Russia.

Addressing Israeli MPs last year in an effort to push for the delivery of advanced weapons, Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky insisted that Israel can be “a mediator between nations, but not between good and evil.”

The US has been attempting to sway neutral nations to join the Ukrainian side since Kiev’s conflict with Russia escalated in February 2022. However, this effort has been “poisoned” by Washington’s unconditional support for Israel despite mass civilian casualties, prompting some nations to accuse it of hypocrisy.

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