Monday, December 02, 2024

Anglo-Zionist UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson, who with his fifth-column brethren (((Zelensky)) secretly killed Ukraine peace deal with Russia, confirms what we've always suspected: "I'm Jewish, and proud of it!"

Boris Johnson Calls For NATO Troops On The Ground In Ukraine Yet Again

After months of rumors surrounding possible peace talks in Turkey that might have ended the war in Ukraine not long after it reignited in 2022, multiple sources confirmed that British Politician and former PM Boris Johnson showed up in Kyiv to dismiss the negotiations and told the Ukrainians "let's just fight". These sources include David Arahamiya, the leader of Ukraine’s ruling party, Tory MP Nadine Dorries and Vladimir Putin himself.

Johnson continues to deny the peace deal claims and "fact checkers" engage in extensive mental gymnastics to argue that there was no "official deal" put to paper, therefore Johnson didn't sabotage anything. In other words, if a politician ruins a peace deal in its infancy before it is drafted then he's not culpable for the war that follows.

The bottom line? Johnson, a prominent British official with ties to NATO, showed up in the middle of early negotiations and told the Ukrainians to fight instead of pursuing peace. This alone would have given the Ukrainians a false sense of security that NATO forces would intervene and fight for them.

Boris Johnson would go on to promote a surge in military recruitment in the UK, and supported calls for conscription from military officials. He has also suggested NATO boots on the ground in the region on multiple occasions - A move that would immediately be seen by Russia as an escalation to world war.

In a recent interview with the Daily Telegraph, the former British PM promoted the idea of British forces entering Ukraine as a part of a "peacekeeping plan." The presence of any NATO country's troops in Ukraine, even those not on the front line, would be seen as a tip-toe towards direct confrontation by the Kremlin...MORE...

Boris Johnson Calls For NATO Troops On The Ground In Ukraine Yet Again | ZeroHedge

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