Saturday, January 30, 2010

Birth of a Zionist: In 'Defamation', Israeli filmmaker examines international Zionism's use of the Holocaust for profit and indoctrination

Watch the entire film HERE

(By Chris Moore) -- This fascinating 2009 documentary moves largely along two parallel tracks, flashing back and forth between filmmaker Yoav Shamir's interviews with American Jews (mostly Abraham Foxman and his Anti-Defamation League clique) on the one hand, and following young Israeli students on their Israeli government-sponsored journey to Poland for a tour through the Auschwitz death camp on the other.

The ADL portion nicely captures what we've come to expect from Holocaust/anti-Semitism huckster Foxman, and documents how his Jewish civil rights organization operates by taking minor, incidental ethnic conflicts that are a routine part of life in multi-cultural America, and blowing the ones involving Jews completely out of proportion for purposes of political exploitation, "Jewish victim" indoctrination, propaganda and organizational "emergency" fundraising.

In the course of the film, Foxman eventually takes his act on the road, and goes to Eastern Europe for some Holocaust tourism and tearful "on location" posing.

In this portion, there is a telling scene where Foxman meets with local government officials and instructs them that the Ukrainian Holodomor (the engineered genocide through famine of millions of Ukrainians by Stalinists and Jewish Bolsheviks from 1932-1933) must never be compared to the Nazi Holocaust of the Jews in any way, shape or form. (I've written about similar cynical Zionist efforts to downplay or dismiss the murder of millions of victims of Communism before here.) It should be noted that the Holdomor and other Communist atrocities like it preceded and set precedents for the Nazi Holocaust, thus providing Zionist groups twin incentives for wanting the truth of Communist history whitewashed: in order to preserve the "uniqueness" and "sanctity" of their own suffering as more profound and meaningful than the suffering of non-Jews; and to cover up the Judeofascist Left's role in the Communist atrocities themselves, and how they contributed to manifesting the tragedies of WWII and the Nazi Holocaust.

Of course, the obsequious government officials being schmoozed by Foxman all nod in agreement to his request for historical suppression -- which goes to show how easily-corrupted European governments can be conditioned, intimidated, and bought off by Zionists to elevate the importance of the lives of Jews over the lives of Gentiles, and how they are emotionally bullied into dismissing Gentile interests -- and even their own national interests -- as secondary and even irrelevant in any contest with Jewish interests. Americans know this phenomenon all too well, too, as epitomized by the Israel lobby's role in engineering a political climate where it is acceptable to send off Americans to fight Middle Eastern wars for Israeli interests, with American politicians from both wings either co-instigating and collaborating enthusiastically, or rolling over in appeasement to the Zionists with nary a sigh.

The other track of the film, where the Israeli government sends young teenage students to Auschwitz to be terrorized and indoctrinated, is fascinating as well. Upon their arrival in Poland, the Zionist tour guides keep the youths largely isolated from the local Gentiles, and fill their heads with horror stories about how hostile the locals have always been to Jews, and still are, and how there might be a neo-Nazi lurking around any corner. The tour guides slowly build up the tension and fear in the young Jews' minds, ratcheting it ever higher the closer they get to Auschwitz by retracing the footsteps of the Jewish victims on their long-ago journey to the death camps.

Eventually the frightened young students arrive at the camp and are ushered by the Zionists into the ovens and crematoriums, where it all becomes too much, their psyches broken and their hearts filled with bitterness and despair.

One girl, who initially felt emotionally distant from the Jewish Holocaust experience, finally breaks down and cries uncontrollably at a display of mounds of hair taken from camp inmates.

"They told me: 'Wait, wait. Soon you'll cry too! Soon you'll see!'," she says, sobbing. "They murdered people and took their hair only because of their nationality! But I didn't do anything! I didn't do anything to anyone!" she adds, apparently now internalizing the entire experience to the point where she has interwoven herself with the plight of the victims.

After emerging from the dungeons and bonding with her classmates in a tearful prayer circle adorned by Israeli flags, the same girl is interviewed by the documentary crew.

"When you see it, you say: 'I want to kill the people who did this!'...Who would I like to kill? All of them...the Nazis, our enemies who did this," she says.

"But you know they are dead?" she's asked.

"Yes, but they have heirs. They may be different, but they're there."

Birth of a Zionist.


It's not a far step from here to understanding how the Israeli government has cynically projected this skillfully engineered Jewish rage upon innocent Palestinians and Arabs in order to expand its own interests and territories, nor difficult to understand how Zionist ethnic rackets from Washington to Wall Street can psychologically rationalize their hoodwinking, usury and defrauding of average American Gentiles, whom they also apparently view as a hostile "other."

But the film also shows us how Jews themselves become the victims of these insane Zionist/Judeofascist machinations. The Jewish teens, prior to their harrowing descent into the Auschwitz indoctrination program, are like any other teens the world over -- full of innocence, rambunctiousness and life. There's a wonderful scene in the Polish hotel where they're staying, for example, where the manager has to come to their floor and shoo them all back into their own rooms because they're marauding around having pillow fights in each others' doorways.

These may be among the last moments of innocence they ever enjoy in their young lives, their youths torn away all too soon by those Machiavellian cynics who would steal their very childhoods to put them to work on the Zionist agenda.

At a couple of different points in the film, Shamir also visits famed author of The Holocaust Industry Norman Finkelstein -- before and after he has been hounded by Zionists from his professorship at DePaul University. In the second interview, a clearly emotionally frazzled and stressed Finkelstein is interviewed at home, and asked why everyone picks on Israel.

"[On the radio] I hear non stop about Sudan. I hear non stop about Tibet. I hear non stop about Darfur. I hear a lot. The only place I hear excuses made for is Israel. That's the place I hear excuses. And we do have to remember, it is the oldest occupation in the world -- I mean forty years really is enough."

"The irony is," says Finkelstein, "that the Nazi Holocaust has now become the main ideological weapon for launching wars of aggression. Every time you want to launch a war of aggression, drag in the Nazi Holocaust...It's a package deal with Israel and its American supporters. It's not just suffering. It's suffering which is then wrapped in a club, and the club is then used to break the skulls of the Palestinians. That's the problem."

"It's the best thing that will ever happen to Israel if they get rid of these American Jews who are warmongers from Martha's Vineyard. And they are warmongers from the Hamptons. And they're warmongers from Beverly Hills. And they're warmongers from Miami."

Here, we see a second peek into the psychological turmoil and harm that obsessive Jewish Holocaust fixation can cause -- in this case, by Finkelstein's own Holocaust survivor parents. Departing his apartment, Finkelstein makes a parody of a Nazi salute, saying it's the language of Israeli society.

"Everyone calls everyone a Nazi...It's also the language I grew up with. You know, everything in my house...The food? 'Worse than Auschwitz.' The clothes? 'Worse than Auschwitz.'"

One thing is clear: As more and more Jews and Gentiles learn the real history of Jewish Bolshevism in the decades leading up to World War II and how its treatment of Christians and dissidents then is comparable to Jewish Zionism's treatment of Muslims and Arabs today, and get fed up with being force-fed the entire blood-drenched Holocaust narrative, and get sick and tired of Zionists and their partners using it as a pretext for wars of aggression, reactions like Finkelstein's are going to become less and less controversial and the push back against the whole rotten enterprise is going to get more and more aggressive.

For this, we can all be thankful, including Jews who will subsequently be saved from the psychological torment of a sadistic, cult-like, ritualistic Holocaust indoctrination at the hands of opportunistic international Zionist elites angling to use them and others for canon fodder.

1 comment:

Chu said...

Great video. 4 Stars.
That could've been a controversial film for Sundance and it would have started a larger debate.