Saturday, August 21, 2010

Jewish Marxist goes to Talmudic lengths to manipulate Wikipedia favorably towards Judeofascism

Zionists in bid to subvert Wikipedia

(Redress) -- by Gilad Atzmon --

Gilad Atzmon views the latest attempts by Israelis, Zionists and “anti-Zionist” pretenders to sabotage the free encyclopaedia Wikipedia.

The British newspaper the Guardian reported on 18 August that two Israeli groups have set up training courses in subversive Wikipedia editing with the aim to “show the other side” of the Jewish state.

Those who lend their pen to the Palestinian cause know about Wikipedia Jews, a term that was coined a few years ago. It refers to a bunch of rabid crypto-Zionists who constantly vandalize encyclopaedia entries related to Palestine, Palestinian activists and Israeli atrocities.

According to the Guardian, two Israeli groups seeking to gain the upper hand in the online debate have launched a course in "Zionist editing".

Yesha Council, representing the Jewish settler movement, ran its first workshop this week in Jerusalem, teaching participants how to “rewrite” and “revise” some of the most “hotly disputed pages of the online reference site”.

The Wikipedia project is a phenomenal humanist and universalist initiative. Hence, we should not be surprised that its biggest opponents are tribal operators, among them Zionists, crypto-Zionists and so-called “Jewish anti Zionists”.

One Jerusalem-based Wikipedia editor told the Guardian that publicizing the new Zionist conspiratorial initiative might not be such a “good idea”. "Going public in the past has had a bad effect," she says. "There is a war going on and, unfortunately, the way to fight it has to be underground," she added.

One should not be surprised to discover that chief among the “Wikipedia Jews” is alleged “anti Zionist” Roland Rance.
Rance, is a London-based Jewish Marxist who spends most of his time peppering Wikipedia entries with Judaeo-centric context. He was also one of the leading opponents of Deir Yassin Remembered, probably the most successful Palestinian solidarity operation in the UK.

Below is a snapshot of Rance’s relentless attempt to vandalize Israel Shamir’s Wikipedia entry, taken last week...

Wikipedia Jews have history behind them. According to the Guardian, in 2008 members of the hawkish pro-Israel watchdog Camera who secretly planned to edit Wikipedia were banned from the site by administrators. There is a war going on my own Wikipedia entry. More than once Wikipedia administrators have been called in just to remove contamination by Rance and other Zionists.

The Wikipedia project is all about knowledge and the availability of knowledge. Is it a coincidence that political Jews on the right and on the left are united to subvert this project? I do not think so. Once again, we are witnessing an episode in the Zionist continuum. They are all united against knowledge...MORE...LINK

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