When Rick Sanchez and Helen Thomas get together…
(The Political Cesspool) -- by James Edwards --
...As you probably know, Rick Sanchez got fired from his anchorman job at CNN a day after he gave a radio interview and mocked the idea that that Jews are a poor, oppressed minority group in America, especially considering they pretty much run the news industry. He and the host got off on that subject because Sanchez called Jon Stewart a “bigot” for always making fun of him. See, Sanchez, who’s as white as you and me, was trying to claim victimhood status, apparently being too darned dumb to understand that having a Spanish name doesn’t make you a victim; having brown skin is what makes Hispanics “victims”. Sanchez is about as “Latino” as Christina Aguilera. That was his first mistake. As Steve Sailer so eloquently points out, Victimism is a high stakes, dangerous game, and you’d better know exactly what you’re doing when you sit down to play. Sanchez was clearly in way over his head. He’s like the tourist in Vegas who sees all the excitement at the World Series of Poker, so he plunks down his $10,000 entry fee, and asks “Does the dealer stand on soft 17?”
Sanchez somehow made it to his position on the basis of his perceived “ethnicity” without anyone ever sitting him down and explaining the official rules of Victimism to him. He’s white, and it doesn’t matter that he grew up speaking Spanish in Cuba, and then in Miami after fleeing Cuba, because a white man can never be a victim (unless he’s a homosexual). His second mistake was accusing Jon Stewart of being a bigot. Jon Stewart’s real name is Jon Liebowitz, and people named Liebowitz can never be a victimizer. And they generally don’t take very kindly to being accused of being bigoted or prejudiced. They’ll be the ones calling people racists and bigots, thank you very much.
And his third mistake was not taking the hint from his interviewer on the radio show. Obviously thinking that Sanchez is as dumb as a box of rocks and has no idea he’s wading into dangerous territory, he helpfully points out that Liebowitz/Stewart doesn’t fit the profile of a “bigot”, being an oppressed minority himself. In other words he was saying “Uh, Rick…you’d better cool it man. Jon Stewart can’t be a bigot; he’s not white. He may look white, but he’s actually Jewish, and you are on very dangerous ground here.” I guess he thought Sanchez didn’t realize Stewart is Jewish.
But not only did Sanchez know Stewart’s Jewish, he knew a few other things, too. He said that most of the people who run CNN and the other news networks are just like Stewart, and the idea that Jews are a poor, oppressed minority in this country is absurd.
Of course, it’s lunacy to think Jews run the news industry. Which is why Sanchez was fired almost immediately after saying Jews run the news industry.
Makes sense to me!
It’s funny if you do a Google news search about his firing. Most of the headlines say he was fired for calling Jon Stewart a bigot. Yeah, that’s a good one. And people wonder why no one trusts the news media?
And if you read the reactions from commentators, both left and right, it’s clear they’re terrified of the Jewish control of the news media. Not a one of them, liberal or “conservative”, suggests that what Sanchez said is wrong. They all talk about how “stupid” or “dumb” he is for saying it, not that he’s crazy for believing it. The mainstream “conservatives” are actually mocking him for having the guts to tell the truth. He speaks more truth in 30 seconds than Glenn Beck has in his entire career, and he’s a pariah, and he deserved to get fired because there are some things you just don’t talk about.
That’s modern “conservatism” for you, folks.
Hell, most of these “conservatives” are so terrified of Jewish power that they would freak out if you suggested that Jews run our nation’s synagogues.
Of course, what’s really telling is a story I wrote about some time ago. Joel Stein, a columnist for the Los Angeles Times, wrote a column a while back boasting that Jews control Hollywood, Wall Street, DC, and the news media. Not just boasting about it, but saying that anyone who doesn’t know this fundamental fact of life in America is pretty much an idiot.
Joel Stein can brag that Jews control the news media, Hollywood, Washington and Wall Street, and nobody bats an eye.
Rick Sanchez can simply state that Jews run the news industry, and he’s instantly fired.
That’s because Rick Sanchez is a white man, and Joel Stein is a Jew.
And “conservatives” cheer Sanchez getting fired for saying what everyone knows is true, and which Jews like Joel Stein rub in our faces.
Which is really disgusting. The craven cowardice is simply breathtaking.
Don’t EVER believe a word a mainstream “conservative” says...MORE...LINK
Chris Moore comments:
Sanchez finds himself in the conundrum that all who collaborate with Judeofascism -- politically, materially, morally, or spiritually -- eventually face; namely, that they are complicit with an ideology that can't in any way be squared with anything other than authoritarian, state-enforced Jewish supremacism.
Communists, leftists, left-liberals, neoconservatives, Bushcon Zionists, and statist liberal/State capitalists all have, or eventually will, discover this basic truth: Because Talmudic Judaism is too racist to proselytize, Judeofascists have evolved to perfect the art of inventing and instituting pseudo-secular ideologies under the guise of modernism and/or liberalism that are in reality mere devices to advance a statist-authoritarian Jewish supremacist agenda.
There are many within the ideologies listed above that are mere dupes and useful idiots who don't realize this reality, but there are many others who are fully aware of it, but have made their deal with the Judeofascist devil to silence, harass, ridicule or marginalize anyone who voices it in exchange for earthly and material rewards -- which often amount to nil.
The irony is that Christian-based Western Civilization manifested into all the peace and prosperity those under its umbrella could swallow, and with only one condition. But apparently that one condition was too much to ask for the overgrown children suffering from arrested development who jumped into bed with the Judeofascists to handle, and so they ate the poisonous fruit.
Now we've got to begin the process yet again of flogging and scouring the Judeofascist mentality from the realm of Western Civilization, essentially from scratch.
Thanks a lot, a**holes.
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