Friday, March 11, 2011

Judeofascist infiltration and subversion of US: Before the Israel lobby, it was Jewish double agents like Rep. Sam Dickstein getting rich from Soviets

Seeing Reds

(The American Conservative) -- by Justin Raimondo --

Spies: The Rise and Fall of the KGB in America, John Earl Haynes, Harvey Klehr, and Alexander Vassiliev, Yale University Press, 704 pages; and Alger Hiss and the Battle for History, Susan Jacoby, Yale University Press, 272 pages

...How little things change. This is precisely what Larry Franklin, the Pentagon’s top Iran analyst, said in his own defense when he was caught turning over vital secrets to Israeli officials via AIPAC employees Steve Rosen and Keith Weissman. Far from considering himself a traitor, he fancied himself a patriot for trying to advance the special relationship between the two countries. Convinced that American policymakers weren’t responding to the alleged threat from Iran decisively enough, he took it upon himself to supply the Israelis with closely held intelligence about al-Qaeda and U.S. troop movements in Iraq because he considered American and Israeli interests to be the same.

This also describes the mindset of Rosen and Weissman, who had the charges against them dropped after years of legal delaying tactics and an orchestrated campaign by the Israel lobby. Of course, the accusation of McCarthyism was pinned on the Justice Department for daring to indict them along with Franklin, and yet, as we can see in the pages of Spies, “Tail-Gunner Joe” was right. The U.S. government, during the war years particularly, was inundated with Communists who were turning over our secrets to the Soviets as fast as they could glean them.

Soviet penetration of every aspect of American political and social life was the KGB’s goal, and during what Eugene Lyons called the “red decade” of the 1930s, this was incredibly easy: the ideological zeitgeist was not only conducive but welcoming. The supposed identity of U.S. and Soviet interests was even easier to justify during the war years, when “Uncle Joe” Stalin was America’s best friend (and Britain’s), and Lend-Lease Act dollars were pouring into the effort to save the “workers’ fatherland.”

The so-called Popular Front strategy of the Communist Party was very successful, involving as it did a grand coaltion with New Deal liberals and fellow traveling intellectuals—such as the crews at The New Republic and The Nation—of which the Communists were the spearhead. In the run up to World War II and during the conflict, the Communists made up the left wing of the Rooseveltian revolutionaries, who sought, as Archibald MacLeish put it, to “remake America,” a task quite suited to the Communists’ taste. Yet there was no sense that this was an alien conspiracy, or at least a great effort was made to make it seem “patriotic” to be under the discipline of the Communist Party. Communism, enunciated CP leaders, is “20th century Americanism.” Little did anyone of consequence then suspect that these 20th-century “Americanists” were rifling through our secrets and sending them off to Moscow.

The sheer scope of Soviet covert operations in the U.S. and their undoubted success is chronicled in painstaking detail by Haynes and Klehr. From the collection of scientific and technical data—including the making of the nuclear bomb—to vital political and inside information about the internal deliberations of the U.S. government on matters of interest to Moscow, the Red fifth column infiltrated.

Journalism was a prime target. There were, of course, plenty of party-liners, but in Spies we are presented with evidence that a substantial Communist cadre in the Fourth Estate reported to their KGB handlers and, in certain cases, acted as sources and conduits for sensitive material.

George Seldes and Bruce Minton, co-publishers of the left-wing newsletter In Fact—who delighted in smearing antiwar conservatives—were both Soviet agents, the latter “deeply embedded in the Communist underground and one of its links to the KGB.” Another journalist crusader was John Spivak, who made a career out of linking America First to the Nazis after receiving orders directly from the KGB’s chief officer in the U.S., Jacob Golos. After the invasion of the Soviet Union by Hitler’s troops, hacks like Seldes and Spivak, along with John Roy Carlson, were used to smear the antiwar movement as the “Nazi transmission belt,” as one anti-isolationist tract put it...

The Soviets further succeeded in placing a number of agents as congressional staff members, and in Rep. Sam Dickstein (D-N.Y.), who according to Allen Weinstein’s The Haunted Wood was paid $1,250 a month by the Soviets, they had an actual member of Congress. It was Dickstein who lorded it over the House’s Special Committee on Un-American Activities, the precursor to HUAC, and embarked on a witchhunt against any organization or individual who dared speak out against U.S. intervention abroad, labeling them Nazis, fascists, and saboteurs. Long before McCarthy, there was Dickstein, who “exaggerated the extremist threat far beyond its small size, claiming that the German American Bund had two hundred thousand armed men who were ready to don their brown uniforms and overthrow the government.” He coerced and abused witnesses dragged before his inquisition and “lectured them about their moral shortcomings.”

Dickstein wasn’t just a traitor and a Communist: he was also a crook. Indeed, “Crook” was the KGB’s cover name for him. In the winter of 1936, the New York congressman approached Soviet Ambassador Alexandr Troyanovsky with the bright idea of paying him as much as $6,000 for the Un-American Committee’s files on White Russian exiles in the United States. At a series of meetings detailed in the KGB archives, Dickstein dickered until he got the Soviets to agree to a fee that, in 2008 dollars, amounted to more than $200,000 annually. In return, he promised to launch an investigation into White Russians, Trotskyists, and other opponents of the Soviet regime. When Walter Krivitsky, a KGB official, defected to the West and denounced Stalin, Dickstein interceded, unsuccessfully, with the immigration authorities to deny him a visa extension. Dickstein was eager to make himself useful. His Soviet handlers, however, were less than satisfied with his efforts and several times cut off his stipend. He resigned from Congress in 1945 to become a judge of the New York Supreme Court. He died in 1956, with no one the wiser as to his KGB affiliation...MORE...LINK

Chris Moore comments:

A clear pattern of behavior is emerging from these self-serving Jewish fanatics, be they Zionists or Communists: treason, relentless agitation, warmongering, subversion, corruption, insatiable greed, self-enrichment at the public trough (or in the case of the Jewish Dickstein, self-enrichment from both the U.S. and Soviet public troughs)...

What motivates their relentless treason? Is it "saving the Jewish people" from "anti-Semitism"? If that were the goal, then why is lining their own pockets so paramount? Indeed, isn't it the behavior of Judeofascists themselves that puts the Jewish people in perpetual jeopardy?

Their system seems to work something like this: identify themselves with, or emerge from, the larger Jewish community; conspire largely with fellow Judeofascists and treasonous goyim to manipulate, swindle, rob, plunder and murder both domestically and abroad; when opposition emerges to the criminal Judeofascist racket, declare that opposition "anti-Semitic"; convince Jewish society and the general citizenry that those who criticize or attack the Judeofacist racket are anti-Jewish and motivated by hate; enlist a multiplicity of useful idiots to defending their "cause"; and then laugh all the way to the bank.

Why don't more Jews stand up and condemn the murderous Judeofascist rackets? Their silence suggests complicity.

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