Saturday, May 07, 2011

Israel-first treason at the highest levels dating back at least to the USS Liberty

Israel’s Hidden Faces, A Long Day’s Night for Us All

(Veterans Today) -- by Dr. Alan Sabrosky --

...Towards a Changing View
I began as a supporter of Israel. I knew nothing of ‘the Nakba’ (Israel’s ethnic cleansing of Palestinians in 1948) and wouldn’t have cared much if I had heard of it. In the years of death, ethnic cleansing and resettlement of peoples during and after WWII, it just didn’t matter. And with the USSR supporting most of the Arab countries, US support of Israel (like Iran under the Shah) made sense. It was only in the aftermath of the Six Days War (1967) that things changed.

Israeli Attack on the USS Liberty
On June 8, 1967, early in the Six-Day Middle East War, Israeli aircraft and motor torpedo boats attacked the USS Liberty, a US Navy intelligence ship off the coast. Over 200 sailors and Marines were killed or wounded. Israel declared it had mistaken the ship for an Egyptian horse transport, and the US Government accepted that explanation. So did I, until 8 years later. Then I learned. Separate attempts by the two carriers with the US 6th Fleet to launch aircraft to come to the rescue of the USS Liberty were recalled: The first by Defense Secretary Robert McNamara; the second personally by then-President Lyndon Johnson. Either rescue effort would have prevented most of the US casualties.

It is interesting to know that even then, the US Commander-in-Chief valued Israel more than the lives of Americans in uniform. And isn’t it a pity that nothing has changed?
USS Liberty after assault by Zionist Jewry that killed killed 34 crew members and wounded 170; A warm-up for the 9/11 attacks?
But the Killer is 9/11, orchestrated by Israel
We have all heard of 19 named Arabs in 4 planes, bringing down the two tallest buildings at the World Trade Center, striking the Pentagon, and putting one plane into a Pennsylvania field.

We have not heard the rest of the story.

It begins with WTC7,and creates an evidentiary trail leading directly to Israel and its cohorts in the US.

WTC7 – so much more than the proverbial “smoking gun”
The 47-story WTC7 collapsed straight down into its own footprint the evening of 9/11, even though it was not hit by a plane. This map depicts the layout of the World Trade Center, and the path of debris from the impacting aircraft.

Note that smaller buildings closer to the Twin Towers did not collapse in that manner, even though at least one was hit by debris from a plane and others by debris from WTC1 & WTC2...

The Implications of WTC7
■First, the controlled demolition of WTC7 means if one building at the WTC was wired for a controlled demolition, then all three were.
■Second, the impacting civilian airliners were intended to provide a gruesome and shocking distraction that would facilitate the actual destruction of the buildings by other means.
■Third, any successful operation of this type requires expertise, access to the target(s), and effective local support to facilitate post-attack escape & evasion.
■Fourth, neither the 19 named Arabs nor any of their possible supporters in the US or elsewhere had the expertise, access and local support needed to do that.
■Fifth, only Israel had the required expertise, access and local support – inside and outside of the US Government – and a positive incentive to bring down those buildings, which was to enrage the American public and bring the US into war against Israel’s enemies.
So much links Israel to 9/11 – Only a public confession is missing, e.g.
■Many key Bush Administration officials came from PNAC (Project for a New American Century). All were Zionists (Israeli partisans). They wrote about the need for a “catalytic event” to mobilize the American people.
■Eight months after coming into office, they got their catalytic event on 9/11, followed by the wars their agenda required.
■The company providing 24/7 electronic & personal security to the WTC, Kroll Associates, was owned & operated by Zionists, as was the WTC itself as of July 2001.
■The owners and their immediate relatives seem to have been uncharacteristically absent on the morning of 9/11. Hundreds of American Jews died at the WTC & the Pentagon, but as best as can be determined, only 3 Israelis out of some 4,000 normally there, plus 2 more on the planes.
■The senior fatality among WTC personnel was a retired Irish-American FBI agent in his first days on his job as Director of Security.
■A private Israeli-owned security company called ICTS, registered in the Netherlands, provided security services (sometimes through a wholly owned subsidiary) to all three airports from which the four hijacked planes departed.
■ICTS also provided security at the airports in Paris & Amsterdam, from which the so-called “shoe” & “underwear” bombers respectively departed.
■Bergen, NJ residents saw five people on a white van filming the attacks and visibly celebrating. They had set up their cameras before the first plane hit. Police arrested them. All were Israelis. Bomb-sniffing dogs reacted as if they had detected explosives, although officers were unable to find anything. The FBI seized the van for further testing.
■All 5 were later released at the instigation of Israeli & American Jewish leaders, some in the US Government. Details are still classified.
A second van was stopped on the approaches to the George Washington Bridge. As CBS’s Dan Rather said in his live report:
“Two suspects are in FBI custody after a truckload of explosives were discovered around the George Washington Bridge. That bridge links New York to New Jersey over the Hudson River. Whether the discovery of those explosives had anything to do with other events today is unclear, but the FBI, has two suspects in hand, said the truckload of explosives, enough explosives were in the truck to do great damage to the George Washington Bridge…“

Those suspects and the incident then seem to have disappeared from the record.
■NORAD (North American Air Defense command) and its fighters were conspicuously tardy. They should have intercepted the 4 aircraft within minutes but did not do so, due to a linked series of failures to (1) get timely FAA reports of the deviating aircraft, (2) scramble fighters from the closest bases, (3) intercept at maximum speed, and (4) redeploy already airborne fighters to do the intercepts.
■Several PNAC alums and their counterparts were in positions to affect that outcome.
And as for the 9/11 Commission…
■A fatally flawed commission, not least because of its pro-Israel staffing.
■Many implausible details were accepted or allowed to stand without comment, such as the delivery by a well-dressed man of an intact passport to a detective at the base of the Twin Towers – a passport used to identify one of the named hijackers, that somehow survived the plane’s impact, the ensuing explosion and fire, and an 800-foot fall unaffected by wind.
■The 9/11 Commission’s Executive Director Philip D. Zelikow evidently ensured that nothing deflecting attention from the 19 named Arabs, or toward Israel, would make the final report, whose reading defies belief.
■He also told an audience at the University of Virginia on September 10, 2002 that the real reason for his urging war with Iraq regardless of 9/11 was “the threat against Israel.” His concerns and loyalties are at least consistent.
So just what is the US supporting?
■History, policy, and governmental actions tell only part of the story, of course.
■The attitudes and values prevalent in Israel are also important, and almost unknown in the US.
■Here are some of both that speak volumes...

The first Israeli attacks
Israel opened its attack on Gaza with simultaneous strikes on numerous Palestinian police stations, including the graduating class of a Palestinian police academy. Nearly a third of the so-called “militants” killed were police officers and young cadets.

I was reminded of my own graduation from Marine boot camp, standing there in my new uniform with my family and friends across the parade ground. It was a time of celebration.

But in Gaza, the Israeli strike force – mostly American-made, with American munitions – came, and left this carnage. Had I survived something like this at my Marine Corps graduation, I would want the perpetrators (to quote Rahm Emanuel) dead, dead, dead…

Then there were the “militants” who disguised themselves as children….

...compounded by the widespread use by Israel of white phosphorus and cluster bombs (both provided by the US) in a densely populated urban area, the former a war crime – and therefore its Israeli perpetrators war criminals. The image on the left below is a UN school under attack; the other is a woman whose husband and baby daughter were killed by the white phosphorus shells that burned her. A Jerusalem Tribunal seems to be in order...MORE...LINK

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