'Jewishness', scare tactics, and a sense of humour
( -- by Lauren Booth --
Cloak and dagger antics outside a campus in central London, Tuesday night. As, the University of Westminster, caved into threats of disturbance, from UK based Zionists. Why? Because, Gilad Atzmon, world renowned saxophonist, author and anti Zionist racconteur had put together a panel to debate the following; ‘Jewishness and Israeli criminality.’
To a packed venue just round the corner from the campus the discussion, began with breathtakingly robust opening statements. Consider, as you read, the immense pressure not to take part placed on each panellist. The threats against the university of Westminster of disturbance or even violence if the talk took place. And, should you read a hackneyed report (in the Jewish Chronicle or some such useless organ). Return to this page to revisit the precise nature of the debate.
Alongside Gilad Atzmon, the panel consisted of Alan Hart, author, former Middle East Chief Correspondent for Independent Television News and former BBC Panorama presenter, specialising in the Middle East. And Karl Sabbagh, author, TV producer and publisher.
Gilad began his talk by reminding the audience that causing Zionists to feel outraged; ‘Makes me cheerful’. He has not struggled with his own identity he says accepting with a shrug of his irascible shoulders titles such as ‘proud self-hating Jew.’ His first riff, for that is how he talks, in dramatic sequences, was on the nitty question ‘What is Judaism?’
This, in literal terms is the religion of the Jews. Although, this cannot aptly define the large number of secular Jews. What is Zionism then? Zionism, Atzmon contends is NOT a colonial enterprise. It is a tribal setting.
It has nothing whatever to do with Jewish traditions nor Judaism. It is a political cause which cynically uses faith for its ends. Thus Zionism dupes followers of Judaism and secular 'Jews' who identify with these traditions, by getting them to emotionally invest into a violent expansionist project, which they would otherwise find repugnant.
Atzmon plunged headlong into a question that few others would consider anything but career suicide.
‘Is Zionism what it is. Because ‘Jews’ are what they are?’ Gilad Atzmon, comes from a secular Jewish family. He was born and raised in Israel. Until his late teens his big dream was to have a shining career in Israeli Defence Force. What he saw in his time in the army as a teenager serving in Lebanon, was enough, he has said, to make him 'change sides completely.' He is uniquely placed to ask the unaskable and to say the unsayable.
‘Judaism,’ he said ‘I don’t deal with this as religion. ‘It’ (Judaism) doesn't kill. People kill in the name of religions'.
'But what is Jewishness? It is a supremacy. A Chosenness.'
A decade ago, Gilad remembers being something of a ‘darling’ of the UK anti Zionist movement. But he refused to play what he calls ‘the good Jew’. Namely, to become an anti Zionist ‘lite’; A Jewish person willing to condemn certain acts of the Israeli state. Whilst contradictorily arguing the right of ‘Jews’ to have a homeland. On Palestinian land. Such activists often avoid making or worse still retract, important, statements due to social pressure on their families. This works in Israel's favour and to the detriment of the anti Zionist movement as a whole.
Think Goldstone.
As Gilad continued to insist on his right, as a former Israeli, an academic and a member of a democracy, to look into the darker psychological recesses of the Israeli Jewish mindset, he went from darling to demon. For going on ten years, a number of Jewish anti Zionist (softly, softly) types, have been campaigning hard to black ball Atzmon from events and debates. Atzmon puts this effort squarely down to the topic of this evening, his contention, his amuse bouche; that Jewishness itself means a presumption of superiority that can only inevitably lead to violent tribal expansionism. And Apartheid...MORE...LINK
What Creates Serial Killers and Psychopaths: Genetics or Environment?
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It has been thought for a long time that people become violent because they are “crazy”. Other people have thought that people become violent because of a horrendous childhood that included abuse, neglect, and rejection. Which is it? Researchers have been working for many years to figure out what causes a person to become a serial killer or a psychopath, but there is still no concrete answer. Serial killers are always psychopathic, but not all psychopaths are serial killers. However, all psychopaths have many common traits. These traits involve family history, or genetics, as well as environment and experience. Most of the research can show that there is no one cause for violent behavior. Although serial killers and other psychopaths may have brain abnormalities or dysfunctions, personal experience and environment also play a large role in the molding of a monster.
Psychopaths and serial killers are subject to constant research. Not only are people fascinated by their callousness, but people also want to learn what makes them what they are. It is always said that knowledge is power. If we could gain enough knowledge through research, then it may be possible to reprogram these violent people...
Once one puts these profiles of serial killers and psychopaths together, the actual person begins to emerge. It is no longer just a sheet of facts, but a profile of a monster. So how can one tell if a person is a potential serial killer? Evan Sycamnias says that several traits can indicate a potential serial killer, but these traits are very general. A person who is already a psychopath and is on the verge of becoming a serial killer will usually become socially withdrawn, although he may display attention-seeking behavior like hypochondria. He may also suffer from severe depression and have a general feeling of emptiness about his future. He will fail at every attempt to succeed, but be unable to take criticism. He will have delusions of grandeur, or a feeling that he is superior to everyone in some way. He will usually suffer from mood disorders and have an abnormal dependence on his mother, or other abnormal relationships with his parents. He will feel like he is being mistreated, but be unable to assert himself. In most cases, his parents will taunt him as to his ability to be sufficient (Sycamnias, Evan). Once one looks at all these traits of serial killers, psychopaths, and potential serial killers, it becomes apparent that environment and experience make a huge impact on what these people become. It also seems that some of these lists contradict themselves. How can a person who always fails and feels so empty and hopeless possibly have delusions of grandeur? It does seem that a person who has the characteristics of a potential serial killer would be more likely to commit suicide than murder, but the other aspects must be considered as well. A psychopathic, potential serial killer who cannot form relationships with others may have to take other people “hostage” in order to have company. If he feels that he is mistreated and he cannot assert himself, then he may be searching for a situation that he can control. He wants to be in charge. He uses murder and torture as a means of paying society back for dismissing him. This allows him to see himself as dominant, controlling, and powerful. Many serial killers even perceive themselves as God because they control whether a person lives or dies. Since many of these serial killers suffer from mood disorders like bipolar disorder, there is often a personality clash inside of them. They may go through a point where they know that they cannot control themselves any longer and wish to be caught so that they can stop. However, the extremes of the mood disorder cause them to regain control of themselves in order to continue their “work” and avoid discovery (Apsche, 1993). So what causes this psychopathy? Many of the characteristics point to environment and experience, so where is the evidence of brain abnormality or dysfunction, or genetic precursors?
Robert Hare specializes in the study of psychopaths. He characterizes them as “intraspecies predators who use charm, manipulation, intimidation, and violence to control others and satisfy their own selfish needs,” (as quoted in Crime Times, 1997). Hare also says that a psychopath’s egocentricity is what makes him so particularly dangerous. “Lacking in conscience and in feeling for others, psychopaths cold-bloodedly take what they want and do as they please, violating social norms and expectations without the slightest sense of guilt or regret,” (as quoted in Crime Times, 1997)...MORE...LINK
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