Wednesday, June 01, 2011

A rather queer means of “Tikun-olam” (Repairing the world): The strange God of Talmudic Jewry commands post-circumcision, organ-sucking by rabbi


(National Prayer Network) -- by Rev. Ted Pike --

...Primarily Orthodox leaders of those Christ called “the synagogue of Satan” (Rev. 3:9) actually put their mouths around the newly circumcised penis, sucking the blood and then expelling it! At the Jewish (Orthodox) information website “Ask” Rabbi Yosef Loschak in his article “Why Does a Mohel {Circumcising Rabbi} Suck Blood after Circumcision?” says:
This practice is part of the ritual of circumcision and it is called Metzitza. The source . . . is from the Talmud. The Code of Jewish law does not explicitly mention how Metzitza is to be performed. There is actually great debate amongst the rabbis today as well as through the ages, regarding the details of Metzitza. As a result, some Mohelen use a tube and some do it by mouth.
The Old Testament says Jesus is the “Sacrificial Lamb” slain from the foundation of the world. His shed blood was symbolized and anticipated by animal sacrifices under the Mosaic Law. Yet the Jewish Kabbalah (Zohar 2,43a) says the “sacrificial lamb” is the Jewish people. Their suffering under Gentile persecution actually atones for Gentiles, allowing them to continue living!

"The Ass means non-Jew who is to be redeemed by the offering of a lamb, which is the dispersed sheep of Israel. But if he refuses to be redeemed, then break his skull. . .they should be taken out of the book of the living." (Rev. I.B, Pranaitis, “The Talmud Unmasked’, pg. 83)

Sucking the newborn’s blood establishes the ownership by the synagogue of Satan of every male Jewish child. It reverses the original intent of circumcision that “every male child that openeth the womb” is consecrated to Israel’s true Life-Giver, Jesus.

Rabbi Menachem Schneerson—prominent Messiah-figure to countless Ultra-Orthodox (Kabbalistic) Jews—gave another reason that rabbis must suck some of the blood out of a Jewish baby boy. It is "the blood of the Covenant." Since every Jew, according to the Zohar, is semi-divine, his precious blood in the mouth of the Moleh (not the blood of Jesus at Calvary) is the redeeming power of the world (Tikun-olam) – repairing it from Gentile and Christian induced chaos...MORE...LINK

Chris Moore comments:

These are the weirdos that Judeophile liberals, multicult-lefties and Judeo-Christian Zionists have systematically ceded Western moral authority to in the post-World War II West at an ever-increasing rate for the last six decades?

I mean, not just on a spiritual level, but on a social level as well, what are the consequences of such an inane act of stupidity and negligence as allowing this ethnic-racketeering network to weasel its way into America's highest offices, institutions, and business hierarchy? No wonder America is economically collapsing, even as its corrupt Establishment leads the Globalist war against Western civilization.

There can be no punishment severe enough for the corrupt Establishment and its Left-Right lackeys that allowed these alien, Talmudic freaks to take control of society, and actually aided and abetted them in their rise, and continue to do so to this day.

"Repairing the world" by engaging in such a revolting act; why only a squirmy-brained, Talmudic Judeofascist would ever even dream of such a bizarre formulation, let alone ritualise and institutionalize it.

What's wrong with these people? And beyond that, what's wrong with their legions of Gentile aiders, abettors and useful idiots in the West? Anyone who wants to understand why nearly all factions of society are increasingly losing their marbles need not look much further than this.

And yet, this article also hints at exactly how the Judeofaascists went about co-opting Christian moral authority (albeit with next to zero resistance from the defective, apostate, post-WWII generations that allowed it).

Pike writes:
The Old Testament says Jesus is the “Sacrificial Lamb” slain from the foundation of the world. His shed blood was symbolized and anticipated by animal sacrifices under the Mosaic Law. Yet the Jewish Kabbalah (Zohar 2,43a) says the “sacrificial lamb” is the Jewish people. Their suffering under Gentile persecution actually atones for Gentiles, allowing them to continue living!
Doesn't this explain exactly how the Judeofascist hijacked Christianity's role as the religious pillar of Western society by exaggerating and exploiting the Holocaust (and then outlawing academic debate about its true context and severity) in order that "the Jewish people" replace Christ as the focal point of society and as the world's "sacrificial lamb"?

And not only did they hijack and usurp Christianity's role, but they turned it into a symbol of derision and contempt by conflating it with the Nazism that allegedly exterminated "the new Messiah" -- the Jewish people themselves.

So exactly how long have they been plotting this scheme? According to Wikipedia, the Zohar, which originally laid out the architecture of the scam, "first appeared in Spain in the 13th century, and was published by a Jewish writer named Moses de Leon. De Leon ascribed the work to Shimon bar Yochai, a rabbi of the 2nd century during the Roman persecution who, according to Jewish legend, hid in a cave for thirteen years studying the Torah..."

So at least since the 13th century, and possibly as far back as the 2nd century after Christ, Judeofascist swindlers have been plotting to create and promote a historical mechanism that they could leverage to denounce Jesus Christ and Christianity as the spiritual basis of the West in order to portray themselves as the new Christ, the new "sacrificial lamb" around which Western society and eventually the world would be reshaped (which certainly explains the glut of Holocaust-related movies, books, articles and media over the last 60 years).

And look at warped means by which this new "sacrificial lamb" goes about "repairing the world." Could there be a more dangerous, disgusting and reprobate "moral authority" for any society the world over, let alone the country with the greatest world influence and most powerful military, than these murderous, scheming, sordid Judeofascist psychopaths?

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