Tolerance museum gets final OK
Jerusalem approves construction of museum on Muslim burial ground, angering Islamic Waqf
(YNet) -- by Ronen Mezini --
After countless delays and disagreements, the Jerusalem District Building and Planning Committee on Tuesday approved the construction of a tolerance museum near Independence Park in the center of the capital.
The initiative, proposed by Wiesenthal Center, stirred up a storm among Islamic organizations due to the size of the museum and the plan to place it on an ancient Muslim cemetery.
The zoning plan for the museum was approved back in 2002 and determined that construction permits will be subject to the district committee's approval.
In 2005, Islamic organizations protested the plan to build the museum on an ancient Muslim cemetery and petitioned the High Court of Justice to issue an injunction.
Following the construction moratorium, head of the Islamic Movement's northern branch Sheikh Raed Salah held a press conference in which he denounced the plan, calling it "a big controversy for the Israeli establishment.
"What tolerance are you talking about? Why do you lie and distort? You are committing a historic and religious crime against all the humane values that all sensible persons hold," Salah said at the time...MORE...LINK
Chris Moore comments:
Hmm, The Devil's Dictionary might want to include this one under the definition of "Tolerance."
Or better yet, maybe someone should write The Zionist's Dictionary. The problem is, it would probably read nearly word for word just like the devil's one.
If I were going to build a museum dedicated to whitewashing my own crimes on an ancient cemetery of the people I had wronged, I would make sure the museum is devoted to tolerance. I'm sure the museum's theme and location are no accident.
I can't decide which group is worse, the Jewish Zionists or the Jewish anti-Zionists. Is there any real difference between the two groups, other than where they wish to live, who their useful idiots are and which groups they wish to torment?
Well, there is a difference. The Jewish Zionists (in Israel, at least) are more honest about who and what they are, and even their own Judeofascist agenda (for example, the racist rabbis who openly declare non-Jews to be animals), whereas the "anti-Zionist" Judeofascist lefties pretend to be serving humanity, even as they intend to enslave humanity to serve themselves.
Between the two, I would say the "anti-Zionist" Judeofascists are the more dangerous, just as the Communists were more dangerous than the Nazis because the Commies were wolves in sheep's clothing whereas the Nazis didn't pretend to be something they weren't.
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