(By Chris Moore, LibertarianToday.com) -- The White consciousness/nationalist set over at Occidental Observer has had some somewhat flattering assessments of Anders Breivik (if not his murderous actions) in the days since he undertook his terrorist assault. They’re mostly of the flavor of this guy had some rational grievances and was seriously ballsy to do what he did as opposed to any kind of formal approval, but there is an unquestionable air of…admiration?…respect?…sympathy?…in the flavor of the articles and comments.
Here are some of the headlines with links to the articles and comments:
Anders Breivik as a Nordicist
Breivik: Imposing Costs on Multicultural
Breivik: Sending a message to the elites
The first and second articles above were written by Califronia State Long Beach Psychology professor Kevin McDonald, who is the proprietor of Occidental Observer, and also wrote a third article (The Political Ideas of Anders Behring Breivik) that has led to silly, censorious demands by Los Angeles Urban Policy Roundtable President Earl Ofari Hutchinson that "California State University Board of Trustees President Herbert L. Carter and the entire Board of Trustees condemn" MacDonald.
As someone who also recognizes multiculturalism is not what it purports to be, which is a kind of neutral “why can’t we all get along” ethno-ecumenicalism, but is rather a dangerous, murderous racket that seeks to divide rather than unite, that seeks tribalism and conflict instead of melting pot assimilation into Western values, I too have sympathy for opposition to multiculturalism. And yet, I consider Breivik a stupid psycho and, like many of the White advocates over at Occidental Observer, ultimately ineffective in the battle against the Trojan horse for authoritarian leftism that multiculturalism represents.
Indeed, ethnically conscious Whites (including the foolish and irrational Breiviks of the world) have more problems than they know in dealing with the multiculturalism-centered forces converging against them, for the following reasons:
1) Both state-capitalism and corporatist-capitalism, which have synthesized into liberal fascism (mostly controlled by Zionist Jewry and ambitious, greedy, cutthroat Whites) are on the side of massive immigration to fill their respective government and corporatist coffers by filling out their "markets" to their maximum potential. They have put multiculturalists in charge of arranging and greasing the skids for this open borders agenda, and masking its impact on the West. (Stupid psycho Breivik thus only went after the left half of the larger liberal fascist problem, and did so in a stupid and immoral way.)
2) Some Whites think they can follow the Zionist model to preserve their tribe, and hence become Zionist-Jewry lite Judeophiles (as apparently did stupid psycho Breivik, a staunch supporter of Zionism); hence they promote one wing of the very organized Jewish Zionist elite that is secretly hell bent on cutting their throats.
3) Jewish Zionists, and their White liberal fascist and Judeo-Christian Zionist paramours are also hell bent on bombing Islamic nations into oblivion, which drives huge numbers of Muslim refugees north, (stupid psycho Breivik approvingly cites all manner of neocon doctrine and its warlike, Muslim-bombing agenda), even as they claim anguish over the fact that these Muslim refugees are settting up shop in the West. This is literally insane, and Breivik's naked insanity is right in line with the insane policies of Zionists and liberal fascists.
4) Because post-WWWII Whites have not cultivated and protected what I would describe as the Greco-Christian, Western civilization model, identity and geist, and have instead succumbed to hyper-materialism, Jewish Zionist-like, shallow nationalist conceit and particularism (e.g. the neocon pied-pipers flattery of the U.S. as “the indispensable nation“), and money-worship, they are today more than willing to sell out the traditional peoples of their own civilization to Zionist Jewry and the liberal fascist agenda to serve their own narrow, short-sighted economic interests. Additonally this post-Christian, neo-Western, hyper-materialist model has made them unwilling to have large families or unable to afford families at all, or increasingly hostile to their own families and peoples as a pain in the ass “expense” (stupid psycho Breivik didn’t address how right-wing White narcissism, greed and fascism is as corrosive as cynical, left-wing, statist-racket greed revolving around the Marxist swindle, and equally hostile to the concept of Western civilization).
Hence, because tribal White nationalists don’t recognize the seeds of their own demise are in the very (narrow) world view to which they subscribe, they are never going to be able to defeat all of these forces, which have unquestionably been engineered by far more clever and Machiavellian minds; indeed, unlike organized Jewry’s expansive Machiavellian tribalism, White nationalist porcupine-like tribalism works against its own interests.
Western civilization and its White beneficiaries (and that’s what we are, not some “chosen” race in the Jewish mold as some Whites like to fancy themselves) are only going to be saved country by country working together towards a larger civilizational identity and consciousness, or not at all.
I’m not saying tribal racialist Whites following the Zionist model or one like it will disappear altogether, but they will cease to exist as a civilization and instead exist as warped, scheming, hyper-materialistic, money-grubbing parasites on whatever God-forsaken, perpetually-warring, multicultural tribal amalgamation prevails, and at the pleasure and mercy of the ruling multicultural-managing elites (including more than a few representatives of racist Zionist Jewry and its culture that cultivates murderous grudges and hatred of the goyim in general, and the White goyim in particular).
On the other hand, if Whites have become too narcissistic, self-absorbed and greedy to appreciate the fact that they are the beneficiaries of the most evolved, sublime and morally, ethically and technologically advanced civilization in the history of man with the Greco-Christian Western tradition, and fail as its caretakers, then maybe they deserve their fate.
Judeo-Christian Zionism’s once-feigned Judeophilia has become fact. Breivik embraced neocon doctrine, other than the fact that he acknowledges large percentages of Jews are nation-wreckers. For this reason, he probably wants most Jews out, but if that was his primary imperative, he would not have embraced neocon doctrine.
Maybe Christian Zionists once harbored secret desires to get the Jews out, but once Jewry penetrated so deeply into the American hierarchy, they threw in the towel and basically concluded, “If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em.”
Maybe Breivik fantasized that Judeo-Christian Zionist Whites would eventually turn on the Jews after dealing with the Muslims, but the Zionist disease has already spread too deeply into the Judeo-Christian Zionist marrow for this to ever happen.
For all their posing, these people are no longer even Christians, and neither, obviously, is Breivik.
I believe he is where neocon Judeo-Christian Zionism leads — repression and insanity, and too gutless to go after the real malefactors way down underneath the piles, and deep down knowing it.
Breivik should have become anti-Jewish. It might have saved his sanity and prevented all that bloodshed.
This is a good article. I agree with Breivik that the thinkers, funders and pushers of multiculturalism and anti-White politics should be confronted directly, rather than having useless arguments with the immigrants and migrants themselves. But killing their innocent children is not the way to go. I don't think you can argue with these people, and I don't believe that they should get off Scot-free for all the deliberate harm they allow and have caused. How do you fight these people and hold them accountable? What is a fair punishment for these people? There is nothing wrong in asking that question.
I can't argue with your 4 points, and I especially agree with points 1 and 3. I just don't believe that most Whites are as shallow or stupid as you believe, or that most Jews are as clever as they are given credit for being. It's a larger challenge to uphold the legacy of Western traditions than it is to carry on a narrow and transparent tribalism that results in banksterism, media control, shady dealing in general, and everything that goes along. Clever and Machiavellian are not the words that I would use to describe Jewish practices. Stupid and seditious are better suited.
I don't believe that we can all live together in peace and equality, and I don't believe the left and multiculturalists intend to do either. The real issue is what can be done before it is too late, if it isn't already.
"I just don't believe that most Whites are as shallow or stupid as you believe"
Not always stupid, but increasingly. The mass media, pharmaceutical industry and the public schools have done a lot to dumb modern Whites down in this day and age. (OTH, the Internet is now doing a lot to wake more of them up).
And the obsession with the Old Testament is a problem in particular for a lot of conservative American Whites as well, and totally blinds them (or makes them psychologically suppress) the Zionist problem staring them straight in the face.
And of course, Jewry has deftly exploited the Holocaust and flattered many older American Whites into believing they saved the world in WWII even though they only took out one of the two monsters rampaging at the time, and actually allied with the worst of the two (Stalin) to do so. This manipulative, self-serving organized Jewish flattery has also kept a lot of American Whites of some of the older generations in particular from seeing the truth about the Judeofascist menace.
So maybe not stupid, but incredibly gullible, and frankly, in a lot of ways, cowardly.
I can't argue with your comments. American public schools are a joke, as is much of mainstream Christianity. Judaism is obviously very flawed as well, and I don't hold the view of Jews as some sort of master race. The outcome depends on how quickly Americans wake up.
I don't believe that Jews can maintain their current level of influence. I just worry about the damage they are causing at present, and the chaos that will ensue when they and their allies start to lose their grip on power.
The way that Jews tend to support the destruction or deconstruction of America, reminds me of the "destroyers" concocted by Ayn Rand as the actual saviors of society. They just seem that wacky and hateful to me. I just hope that fighting them doesn't require similar destructiveness on the part of their enemies.
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