Friday, April 06, 2012

Hit the Zionists where it hurts: Boycott all companies located in this Israel-first, "Jewish Yellow Pages" directory

About Jewish Marketing Solutions

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Description of Business

Jewish Marketing Solutions™ publishes and distributes print & online business directories for domestic and foreign niche markets. Jewish Marketing Solutions' major source of revenue comes from the sale of ads in these directories. As a sales incentive, we provide our advertisers with added values, such as referral services and a consumer discount club. We also operate Internet portals, targeting worldwide Jewish communities and, targeting the ultra-Orthodox and Hassidic communities.

Our principal directories are the Jewish Israeli Yellow Pages, the Jewish Master Guide and the Kosher Yellow Pages. These directories are available free of charge in commercial and retail establishments in the US, England and Israel. They are also delivered door-to-door to residents in various Jewish communities.

Products and Services by Jewish Marketing Solutions
The Jewish Israeli Yellow Pages. The Jewish Israeli Yellow Pages is a bilingual, English & Hebrew yellow page directory. It was first printed in February 1990 and has been published in February and August of each year since 1991. The Jewish Israeli Yellow Pages is also available online at All ads in the Jewish Israeli Yellow Pages are in English and Hebrew, unless the advertiser specifically requests that the ad be in English only. The directory is organized according to the Hebrew alphabet. To facilitate the needs of non-Hebrew speaking members of the Jewish community, the directory not only contains a Hebrew index, but a separate English index, as well...MORE...LINK

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