Monday, May 14, 2012

Everyone, with the possible exception of the U.S. Congress, has become aware that there is something terribly wrong with Israel

A Tipping Point for Israel

So we have reached the point where the proverbial cat is out of the bag. Everyone, with the possible exception of the U.S. Congress, has become aware that there is something terribly wrong with Israel. In Israel itself, where there is often ferocious debate over the country’s policies, it is time for a reckoning. Does Israel want to become a normal state with correct relationships with its neighbors, including an independent Palestine, or does it want to continue down the road that it is pursuing, which is folly and will lead to ruin? The choice is ultimately Israel’s, but, for the first time, Americans are actually beginning to talk and write freely and openly about the problem...MORE...LINK

Chris Moore comments:

What I find so amazing and preposterous is how quickly Zionism has destroyed the U.S. as the sole super power, yet the rubes continue to declare Israel "God's chosen," and continue to fight wars for it, send it billions, destroy the U.S. economy and reputation in the process, and tolerate Zionist ripoffs of the U.S. taxpayers in all other areas.

Israel as "God's chosen"? Is that some kind of a sick joke?

I guess it just goes to show that if any tribe sticks with its racket long enough and monomaniacally repeats the same, self-serving lies long enough (i.e. many, many centuries), eventually that tribe gets incredibly rich off of the swindle. The problem is, it goes insane in the process, everyone ends up hating it, and its insane "leaders" get all manner of their useful idiots killed off time and again.

Yeah, Israel is "chosen" all right -- as an example to humanity of how NOT to behave.

1 comment:

AC said...

if i had a son named Sam who was getting beat up everyday @ school, i would change schools. if he still got beat up in the new school (assuming i ♥ Sam & want him to be : ) & peaceful) i would have to face the reality that he must be doing something anti-social. now, i could address his problem & deal with it or i could call all the other kids anti-Samites and force them to accommodate his behavior. seems to me everyone would hate him more & Sam would grow up neurotic and anti-social. logical?