‘The Nakba is BS’: Right-wing Israelis protest student-run Nakba commemoration at Tel Aviv U
Hundreds of right-wing Israelis poured onto Tel Aviv University's campus yesterday to protest a student-run Nakba commemoration. Extremist members of Knesset joined their ranks, providing them with official encouragement.
Incited to fevered levels of resentment by the student commemoration of Nakba-- the 1947-49 expulsion of over 700,000 Palestinians by Zionist militias-- minister of Knesset Areyah Eldad declared his intent to celebrate the catastrophe. "I am not against remembering the events of Nakba Day, as Arabs call it. On the contrary, I think the State of Israel needs to turn the day into a holiday. It is time to be happy that we defeated our enemies," said Eldad...
Also last week, the Tel Aviv University student union also spoke against the Nakba event...MORE...LINK
Chris Moore comments:
The sadistic behavior of these Israeli students just goes to show that once on top, Zionist Jews will give no quarter to those they have systematically cheated, exploited, or butchered, and will deny their crimes even as they continue to criminally stomp on their victims.
It doesn't matter if they're Israeli Zionist Jews preying upon Palestinians, or Diaspora Zionst Jews preying upon Americans...they're programmed to hate those they have wronged so they can continue their theft and abuse "guilt free."
The myth that Israel was set up as a response to the Nazis seems less likely than the fact that it was devised well before the WWII.
The Zionists were European degenerates who were scorned and could not integrate into the European world, so they set up 'camp' in the imagined biblical Israel where they believed they would have the to chance to be kings of their Israeli kingdom.
But the Arabs didn't want this iron-fisted rule from a transplanted group that tends to lose favor inside any Nation when the population realizes they are not their to integrate - they are there to rule, being granted special privileges for being a historically oppressed minority.
"The Zionists were European degenerates who were scorned and could not integrate into the European world, so they set up 'camp' in the imagined biblical Israel where they believed they would have the to chance to be kings of their Israeli kingdom."
And inferred, set up camp in America, too, where in fact they have become a kind of royalty...thanks to their cohesive racketeering and a partnership with the most cynical, disgusting, soul-selling "elites" in history.
The Judeo scourge is just that...a scourge. I don't care if its opportunistic Judeo-Bolsheviks on the left, opportunistic Judeo-"Christian" Zionists and greedy, sell-out WASPs on the right, or the Zionist Jews straddling the "middle" and feeding them both out of the palms of their hands.
The writing is on the wall; the Judeo scourge will be contained in Israel and eventually intellectually dismantled in the West, but how much damage these mad dog Zionists and their Judas accomplices will be able to do before they're subdued is the wild card.
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