Top Jews have always done the dirty work for the scumbag royalty and aristocracy against the People as tax collectors, bankers, and divide and rule, rabble-rousing shills who enlist goyim reprobates. Then with ZOG, they decided to hijack the whole thing for themselves. ALL Zoglodytes must go! (thumb7.shutterstock.com)
submitted by sematrix to r/GentilesUnited
Jews -- always bad news: Google employees walk off jobs in protest after it emerged that the secretive, Zionist run company gave a $90m severance package to bigshot executive (((Andy Rubin))) but concealed details of sexual misconduct allegations behind his departure by sematrix in GentilesUnited
Unfit for democracy: It's been a non-stop drumbeat of violence against conservatives from left-wing politicians, leaders, and celebrities since Trump's election two years ago. Time to push back against the wealthy liberal thugs, psychopaths and gang-bangers masking themselves as "victims" (youtu.be)
submitted by sematrix to r/NationalistsUnited
Racist Zionist rich boys club: Google employees walk off jobs in protest after it emerged that the secretive company gave a $90m severance package to bigshot executive (((Andy Rubin))) but concealed details of sexual misconduct allegations behind his departure (theguardian.com)
submitted by sematrix to r/NationalistsUnited
Jews -- always bad news: Google employees walk off jobs in protest after it emerged that the secretive, Zionist run company gave a $90m severance package to bigshot executive (((Andy Rubin))) but concealed details of sexual misconduct allegations behind his departure (theguardian.com)
submitted by sematrix to r/GentilesUnited
- Quarantined
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The Saudi system is corrupt to its very core, and is inherently unstable: the efforts of the despotic Crown Prince to “reform” the Kingdom by instituting a reign of terror represent the first audible death rattle of the Saudi monstrosity (original.antiwar.com)
submitted by sematrix to r/NationalistsUnited
Stoking a race war to shill for his oligarch billionaire bosses: CNN grows ever more bold in its racist rhetoric as anchor Don Lemon declares white men the ‘biggest terror threat’ by sematrix in NationalistsUnited
Jordan Peterson personifies the soulless, white rat "conservative" careerist who has studied the Jewish question in depth, knows that top Jews are trying to destroy the West, but takes the 30 silver pieces to speak no evil about his satanic Jewish paymasters. (unz.com)
submitted by sematrix to r/GentilesUnited
Insane left-wing logic: Some Italian men can be jerks to women, so Italian teen raped and murdered by two Senegalese migrant men and a Nigerian illegal migrant was "lucky." They're blatantly promoting genocide and mocking victims, and will continue to until the West dies or THEY'RE destroyed(breitbart.com)
submitted by sematrix to r/NationalistsUnited
How long are we going to tolerate the Synagogue of Satan's existence on God's green earth? Every Zoglodyte criminal and killer from the highest crony-state oligarch billionaire to the lowest street scum gang-banger dealing drugs for ZOG table scraps needs to be brought to justice, once and for all. (self.GentilesUnited)
submitted by sematrix to r/GentilesUnited
Jewish Voice for Peace - Chicago disrupts anti-BDS event at synagogue in Chicago suburbs by magister0 in GentilesUnited
Jewish narcissist Jon Stewart admits his fellow (((MSM))) propaganda class comrades are narcissists, too. Then the rich, racist Zionist-racket hypocrite pretends to be an advocate for minorities that can feel feel their pain. Fake humanist Zoglodyte, no different than his brethren. (mediaite.com)
submitted by sematrix to r/GentilesUnited
ZOG never sleeps: (((CNN's))) sleuths nailed the racist "white" MAGAbomber • r/NationalistsUnited by sematrix in GentilesUnited
Jewish NYT Writer Admits Jews' Connection to Refugee Flood Not A 'Conspiracy' Theory. Barri Weiss says they want to help the persecuted (when what they're really doing is bringing in left-wing welfare state voters as a corrupt-liberal power grab for the crony state ZOG oligarchy) by sematrix in GentilesUnited
Jewish NYT Writer Admits Jews' Connection to Refugee Flood Not A 'Conspiracy' Theory. Barri Weiss says they want to help the persecuted (when what they're really doing is bringing in left-wing welfare state voters as a corrupt-liberal power grab for the crony state ZOG oligarchy) (rightoftheright.com)
submitted by sematrix to r/GentilesUnited
Average Jew provides insights into the psychology and motives of top Jews who want open borders, attacks on average Jews, and the destruction of the American majority by sematrix in NationalistsUnited
Khashoggi, in death, shows how fully the Congress is in Israel’s thrall by GlobalSouth in GentilesUnited
Mother of The Two Saudi Sisters Found Duct-Taped Face-to-face Together, in Upper Manhattan Says the Girls Were Recently Ordered Back Home to Saudi Arabia Because they Claimed Asylum in the United States. Police Now Say They Couldn't of Jumped From Bridge. (amny.com)
submitted by sematrix to r/InfidelsUnited
As Pittsburgh Jews, we will mourn our dead by mobilizing for refugees by Cucked_UK in NationalistsUnited
How the (Babylonian) Khazarian Fake-Jews Infiltrated Every Kingdom (Until Now) by jsuibck in GentilesUnited
The ultimate international parasite: How usurious top Jews help grow and expand gentile empires and imperialism for their own ruthless economic and messianic Zionist ends before moving on to the next host, leaving the war dead and the whored-out husk nation in their wake without a second thought by sematrix in GentilesUnited
The ultimate international parasite: How usurious top Jews help grow and expand gentile empires and imperialism for their own ruthless economic and messianic Zionist ends before moving on to the next host, leaving the war dead and the whored-out husk nation in their wake without a second thought (lyndonlarouche.org)
submitted by sematrix to r/GentilesUnited
Cat fight between holier-than-thou Zoglodytes: Hillary Clinton throws her Jewish interviewer under the bus as racist for confusing Eric Holder and Corey Booker. "I know they all look alike." by sematrix in GentilesUnited
Tree Of Life Rabbi Doesn’t Blame Trump For Pittsburgh Shooting, Even After CNN Presses. Instead, in a backhanded slap at his own Gentile-hating religion, he repudiates the inclination toward hate and evil Yahweh condemned as inherent in ancient Mideast man -- hate that lingers today [VIDEO](dailycaller.com)
submitted by sematrix to r/GentilesUnited
Report: Israel Quietly Transferred $250m Of Sophisticated Spy Systems To Their Cousins In House Of Saud by sematrix in GentilesUnited
Religious/Political Mind Control- Ritual Sacrifice and the Cultivation of Hate by GlobalPowerElite in GentilesUnited
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