(((New York Times))) cartoon unwittingly validates Trump's "anti-Semitic conspiracy theories" and undermines the neocon-globalist Wars For Israel agenda. It's a win-win for America First a lose-lose for (((Trotskyite-neocon))) trash. : NationalistsUnited (reddit.com)
submitted by sematrix to r/GentilesUnited
New York Times cartoon unwittingly validates Trump's "anti-Semitic conspiracy theories" and undermines the neocon-globalist Wars For Israel agenda. It's a win-win for America First a lose-lose for Trotskyite-neocon trash. by sematrix in NationalistsUnited
Neocon globalist Republican Jeff Flake goes on liberal CNN to castigate conservatives and America Firsters as haters and anti-Semites and conspiracy theorists, and defend hate-filled international Zionist George Soros by sematrix in NationalistsUnited
Globalist Occupied Government (GOG) insanity: Male Teacher Disciplined for Refusing to Watch Teen Girl Shower by sematrix in NationalistsUnited
Neocon globalist Republican Jeff Flake goes on liberal (((CNN))) to castigate conservatives and America Firsters as haters and anti-Semites and conspiracy theorists, and defend hate-filled international Zionist (((George Soros))) • r/NationalistsUnited (reddit.com)
submitted by sematrix to r/GentilesUnited
Thanks to the globalist United Nations, Turkey will now officially be in charge of deciding who is a refugee and where he or she will be transferred. Turkish state authorities have repeatedly threatened to flood Europe with refugees from gloablist wars. Now they can, and will. by sematrix in NationalistsUnited
Thanks to the globalist United Nations, Turkey will now officially be in charge of deciding who is a refugee and where he or she will be transferred. Turkish state authorities have repeatedly threatened to flood Europe with refugees from gloablist wars. Now they can, and will. (zerohedge.com)
submitted by sematrix to r/NationalistsUnited
Xi and the Chinese have been playing the American dupes for years, vaguely promising to open up their markets but maintaining severe protectionism. Meanwhile, globalists are getting rich importing Chinese goods to open US markets as American industry is systematically hollowed out. by sematrix in NationalistsUnited
Xi and the Chinese have been playing the American dupes for years, vaguely promising to open up their markets but maintaining severe protectionism. Meanwhile, globalists are getting rich importing Chinese goods to open US markets as American industry is systematically hollowed out. (zerohedge.com)
submitted by sematrix to r/NationalistsUnited
Raising a hand against the ZOG entity is never justified, according to Jews; Jews want it on the record that Jewish murder and evil can never be legitimate basis for resistance, no matter how many innocent gentiles the evil, anti-gentile Jewish entity kills by sematrix in GentilesUnited
Raising a hand against the ZOG entity is never justified, according to Jews; Jews want it on the record that Jewish murder and evil can never be legitimate basis for resistance, no matter how many innocent gentiles the evil, anti-gentile Jewish entity kills (redressonline.com)
submitted by sematrix to r/GentilesUnited
Jews/Zionists/Zoglodytes Say “We Have To Double-Down” on “Hate Speech” and end 1st Amendment speech protections to shield treasonous Israel Firsters from blowback, protect the endless wars for Israel agenda, and stop the anti-Zionist movement (renegadetribune.com)
submitted by sematrix to r/GentilesUnited
Money hungry, Jew-cucked Brits losing their Judeophilia? 49% of Britons have an unfavorable view of Israel, only 20 percent of the British public feels “warm” towards Israel and 23 percent feels warm towards Israelis. (Maybe Brits are realizing selling their souls to Zoglodytes has a down side) (uprootedpalestinians.blogspot.com)
submitted by sematrix to r/GentilesUnited
Ignorant, sick and corrupt leftists turn out in full force to protest nationalist Steve Bannon and support permanent war/perpetual revolution Trotskyite neocon (and warmongering Israel Firster) (((David Frum))) by sematrix in GentilesUnited
(((NY Times))) explains why the U.S. is 'standing by' the Saudi crown prince -- but somehow leaves out the Israel connection by sematrix in GentilesUnited
Does race war inciting, controlled media asset Don Lemon really believe that "white men" are the biggest terror threat and "we have to start doing something about them"? If so, Lemon is sleeping with a terrorist by sematrix in NationalistsUnited
At the beginning of the debate, only 28% agreed with Steve Bannon that populism was the future. 72% agreed with (((neocon David Frum))). After: 57% agreed with Bannon. Given crowd reaction thru the night, that seems an impossible result. But there ya go. (reddit.com)
submitted by sematrix to r/GentilesUnited
"At the beginning of the debate, only 28% agreed with Steve Bannon that populism was the future. 72% agreed with [neocon David Frum]. After: 57% agreed with Bannon. Given crowd reaction thru the night, that seems an impossible result. But there ya go." (zerohedge.com)
submitted by sematrix to r/NationalistsUnited
How come, with the nirvana of full employment, 62 percent of all U.S. jobs don’t pay enough to support a middle class life? It's all a rigged game and farce orchestrated by the 1% and their left-right bodyguards (which is why nationalism must be prepared to fill the vacuum of the coming collapse)(zerohedge.com)
submitted by sematrix to r/NationalistsUnited
Psychotic Jews and their fabulist tales: Investigations of the litany of allegations against Kavanaugh show the whole charade was liberal orchestrated farce and controlled media theater, utilizing drama-queen psycho Jews like (((Julie Swetnick))) (usatoday.com)
submitted by sematrix to r/GentilesUnited
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