The point of a Cultural Revolution isn't to broaden political enfranchisement or representation. The point of the anti-Deplorables / anti-Brexit / anti-yellow vest campaigns is to strip dissenters (those who disagree with the ruling neoliberal elites) of political and social representation. (zerohedge.com)

Jews pretend there's a split in Judaism. There's no split. Organized Jewry are self-serving, divide and rule agitators, reprobates and killers. Their only division is that one can show their true face in Israel while the other needs to feign "universalism" to continue exploiting their goyim hosts.(blogs.timesofisrael.com)

Divide and rule by scapegoating whites: "What happened in the US was the [establishment] liberal-left wing class ceased to represent the working class against the [crony] capitalist exploiter. They created a new victim group and a new exploiter: the white heterosexual male."--Paul Craig Roberts (youtu.be)

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