Report: The (Jewish) Ochs-Sulzberger Family That Owns The New York Times Were Racist Slave Owners. Why was this left out of the The 1619 Project?
The (Jewish) family that owns The New York Times were slaveholders
Racist Bolshevik terrorists (((Michael Isaacson))) and (((The New York Times))) conspire to threaten Tucker Carlson and his family
Marxist-Zionist Jewish Senator Shatz (D-HI) tries to lecture libertarians on liberalism. It doesn't go so well.
Privileged Jewish banker Eric Weinstein has epic meltdown over #jewishprivilege trending on Twitter
Bari We Hardly Knew You. Racist Zionist Activist Bari Weiss Bids The New York Times Farewell.
A Shoa at the Times: Bari Weiss reads from her new book at Holocaust Conference
The vengeful (((Morganthau))) Plan to exterminate Germans
Must ZOG-America die to save the European race?
Portland-area rabbis call on US Homeland Security to withdraw federal agents, turn city over to Zionist-backed Antifa and BLM terrorists
Zionist fanatic Jews claim SJW fanatic Jews aren't Jewish
Jewish activist kicked out of an Illinois synagogue for supporting Palestinian rights
Two-thirds of racist Democrat voters proudly declare themselves pro-Zionist
Biden stays right on Israel, scrubbing ‘occupation’ from platform
Major Israeli news site: ‘How did American Jews get so rich? (and how this helps Israel)
Jewish collaboration with NKVD and Soviets
Four Jewish owned mega-corporations control the vast majority of all advertising agencies.
"Victim" Rabbi shot in Poway Synagogue attack pleads guilty to federal charges of elaborate tax and wire fraud involving fake “donations” to the Chabad of Poway
The Rabbi and the Helpful Administrator
(((Mnuchin’s))) Bailout Mistakes Keep Multiplying
The power hierarchy: Black rapper makes unapologetically racist statements about whites, celebrates Jews -- still gets called an "anti-Semite" by his Jewish media masters
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