Wednesday, August 12, 2020

The mainstreaming of Judeofascism: Jewish ‘NYT’ columnist says just like Obama, Biden won’t be a ‘troublemaker’ when Israel needs to kill Palestinian children

The mainstreaming of Judeofascism: Jewish ‘NYT’ columnist says just like Obama, Biden won’t be a ‘troublemaker’ when Israel needs to kill Palestinian children

Sure we can buy the world with our Jewbucks! New York Times' monomaniac Jewish economist Paul Krugman won't deviate from the Moneychangers' narrative, absurdly claims gold's rise has nothing to do with the Federal Reserve's runaway fiat money Ponzi scheme

Jewish bigwigs try to control the national discourse and narrative with their inhuman and totalitarian Marxist-Zionist mayhem dressed up as "progressivism"

AG Barr Blasts Antifa "Bolsheviks" Who Want "Socialism, Communism" In America (but won't name (((Soros))) and other wealthy and powerful Marxist-Zionist totalitarians as their backers)

Greedy Republican officials worried Trump may have alienated Israel-first Jewish casino boss, billionaire Sheldon Adelson

How many murderous sequels will the Jews be allowed to author? Sick Jewish minds have been working systematically and inexorably toward stirring a Third World War to follow up World Wars One and Two

Did someone set off a micro-nuke in Beirut?

Jews are the biggest stirrers of "anti-Semitism," in order to galvanize the tribe and keep their hugely profitable geopolitical blood money racket alive. They also enjoy criminal deviancy.

(((Sigmund))) Fraud: The Father of Modern Psychoanalysis and Neurotic Charlatan

Dodgy, fast-talking Jew says identity groups are the problem, then Zionist Jews are the problem, then Marxist Jews are the problem... refuses to see that Hebrew supremacists and their murderous geopolitical rackets are the problem

Super-Rich Jewish Groups Got About $1 Billion in Covid “Emergency Relief”

Does Israel have More PEDOS or Holocau$t ™ 'Survivors?'

How White anti-racists can spot and identify history's biggest racists: Jews

Satanic pedophile Dershowitz uses Jewish tricks to frame his female accuser as an "anti-Semite"

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