Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Racist Zionists start international wars and then use black refugees as a Bolshevik battering ram against Constitutional America

Racist Zionists start international wars and then use black refugees as a Bolshevik battering ram against Constitutional America

Anti-Netanyahu hopes depend on: 1, Disenfranchising Arabs, 2, Jewish supremacist Bennett. (Israeli politics continue to show their Judeofascist true face.)

Did Zionists frame China for Coronavirus?

More UK victims of false anti-Semitism claims: Ken Loach, Michael Rosen and Aaron Bastani

The Top Ten Most Evil People In 2020

Israel Bombs Syria for Valentines Day — Continuing Long Tradition of Killing Innocent People on Christian Holidays

1 comment:

Tiffany Cohen Blunt said...

If you dare expel us jews from America, the arabs in the middle east will second holocaust us!

Please we're begging you. Jesus was jewish!

Think of the Third Temple!

Christianity was created by us to control you filthy goyim.

Oy Vey the antisemitic content of this next Hitler !