Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Yes folks, there is an international conspiracy, and its all about protecting Israel

Yes folks, there is an international conspiracy, and its all about protecting Israel

'Apartheid' down the memory hole: NY Times leaves out systemic Jewish racism in report on Palestinian Misery

Liz Cheney's replacement Elise Stefanik: another shill for the Zionists in the Republican dog and pony show

Even their women exhibit clinical narcissism and megalomania. ((Sara Netanyahu)) Treated in Viennese Psychiatric Clinic

After aiding and abetting the flooding of Europe with angry Muslim refugees to continue breakup of formerly Christian Europe, Jews cry about Muslim "terror" against Jews in the West

The Judeofascists are so toxic and their corrupt Islamist Arab accomplices so noxious, Palestinians have turned to Iran-backed "terrorists" for survival

After his Judeofascist tribe blows Gaza to bits, racial Zionist ((Blinkin)) casts himself and Biden as Palestinian savior

((Blinken)) in Israel to demonstrate Biden regime solidarity with Judeofascists

Jews carry out ethnic cleansing of Palestinians, rob them of their homes, then pretend to be "victims"

An old story: Half-Jewish filmmaker Cecil B. DeMille accused of anti-Semitism by the usual suspect pioneers of cultural censorship

Zionist propagandist Stephen Spielberg's Big Holocaust Lie, taken on faith in 1999, doesn't stand up to historical scrutiny. Neither do his lying Jewish "witnesses."

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