Friday, September 10, 2021

9/11 was a classic Mossad-orchestrated operation, but they needed help from within the US, who got the “catalytic event” they needed to take America into Mideast wars

9/11 was a classic Mossad-orchestrated operation, but they needed help from within the US, who got the “catalytic event” they needed to take America into Mideast wars

Why Do ((Journalists)) Hate 9-11 Truthers?

As petrodollar fades, the Zionist plot to extort partner Saudi Arabia for joint role in 9/11 unravels

How corrupt neocon ((Jonah Goldberg)) got thrown off of corrupt neocon National Review

((Jewish)) judge hits new low in Covid tyranny, deprives unvaccinated parent of right to see child

Are covid vaccines part of the mark of the beast system?

((George Soros)) is trying to impose his international crime gang hucksterism on China

((Soros)) Funds CA Governor Gavin Newsom's Recall Prevention Campaign

((Jewish)) Chronicle’s Libel Payouts Were a Small Price to Pay for Smearing Corbyn and the Left for "anti-Semitism"

The ((Sacklers)), Who Made Billions From OxyContin, Win Immunity From Opioid Lawsuits Thanks to Corrupt Judge

The danger of Zionist "Holocaust" myths: ((Jewish)) Revenge Squad Planned to Kill Six Million Germans by Poisoning the Country's Water Supply.

Messed up ((Jews)) and their twisted Talmud: Rabbi says her god (Satan?) blessed her with an abortion

Corrupt judge lets murderous Antifa storm trooper ((Cohen)) off easy after alleged terror stabbing

Israeli spy, pardoned by Trump after decades evading extradition for US trial, becomes a general in belated promotion

Jews of the CDC (Jewish Center for Disease Creation and Promotion)

The Snake-Oil Salesmen and the COVID-Zero Con: A Classic Bait-And-Switch for a Lifetime of Booster Shots ("immunity" as a subscription service)

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