Sunday, September 19, 2021

A desperate ex-presidents aims his failed neocon "War on Terror" at Christians and Americans as George W. Bush accuses America Firsters of being spiritually "foul" just like Muslims

A desperate ex-presidents aims his failed neocon "War on Terror" at Christians and Americans as George W. Bush accuses America Firsters of being spiritually "foul" just like Muslims

((Soros)) and Biden want neoliberal Empire instead of America First socialism

Chinese State Media labels neolib psychopath ((George Soros)) a terrorist. Accusation consistent with his funding of BLM-Antifa riots in America.

Jews and the Conservative Rift: ((Jewish)) neocon hucksters infiltrated academia and the US establishment from the left and made their way right with claims they were succeeding through "merit." They then transferred massive US resources to Israel and their fellow ((Jews)).

Another Look at 9/11: Ask Not 'What Happened?' But 'Who Did It?' (Judeofascists.)

Anglo-Zionist conspiracy: Prince Andrew Served with Legal Papers, Sued for Sexual Assault by ((Jeffrey Epstein)) Accuser

Phony AOC’s ‘tax the Rich’ Gown Isn’t a Threat. In fact, the neoliberal ((rich)) welcome their method-acting fellow grifter with open arms.

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