Sunday, August 06, 2023

How devilish Bolshevik master ((Vladimir Lenin)) and his divide and rule Marxist-Zionism resulted in today's ((neocon))-driven Ukraine vs. Russia nightmare

Vladimir Kornilov: How today’s Russia-Ukraine conflict has its roots in the policies of Lenin’s Bolsheviks 100 years ago

...It is no coincidence that Russian President Vladimir Putin, commenting recently on the nature of the conflict in Donbass, has repeatedly noted how the region came to be part of the Ukrainian SSR: “We had to look at what is happening in the south-east, in Donbass, which originally, even when the Soviet Union was organized in 1922-1924, did not think of itself as anything other than as part of Russia? But [Vladimir] Lenin and his comrades-in-arms pushed it there by force... They created a country that had never existed before… They shoved there historical territories with a people from whom no one asked how and where they wanted to live.”...

So there followed wave after wave of campaigns to ban everything Russian in Russian neighborhoods. In the end, in 2014, the inhabitants of Donbass had to take up arms to defend a natural right – the right to teach their children in their mother tongue. Think about it – it took an entire century to correct a historical mistake, to give a vast region back its homeland and the opportunity to speak its mother tongue freely...

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