Tuesday, June 21, 2011

"Democracy" Zionist style: Extra-judicial state assassinations perfectly acceptable if target is a "wanted" goy (non-Jew) under Jewish occupation

Israeli undercover agents boast of killing Palestinians on TV

(By Maan News Agencey)

JERUSALEM -- Undercover Israeli intelligence officers appeared on national television Saturday to talk about assassinating Palestinians in a program broadcast on Israel's Channel 10.

Oren Beaton presented a photo album of Palestinians he killed during his time as a commander of an undercover Israeli unit operating in the northern West Bank city of Nablus.

Beaton explained that he kept photos of his victims.

"This is a photo of a Palestinian young man called Basim Subeih who I killed. This is another young man. I shredded his body, and the photo shows the remnants of his body," he said.

The TV program also featured an undercover agent referred to as "D", who openly admitted killing "wanted Palestinians."

He complained of suffering from post traumatic stress disorder and said that the state had rejected his demands for compensation.

The Channel 10 presenter appealed to the Israeli government to meet the agent's demands...

The program provided previously unconfirmed details about the operational methods of undercover agents.

The report explained that officers conducted surveillance before an assassination, investigating the target's friends and classmates.

Agents would even ask about the target's favorite meals and habits at home, the report said.

In this way, agents would put together an image of the target's behavior and routine.

Agent "D" said officers would then "seize the target and wait until the commander arrives to confirm his identity. Then we shoot him."

This confirms previous accounts from Palestinians who have said they witnessed Israeli agents shooting Palestinians at point-blank range...MORE...LINK

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